Examples of Table 10 in a sentence
Current and Future Analysis Hormonal Therapy – An Overview Hormonal Therapy Strategies Hormone Synthesis Inhibitors Aromatase InhibitorsGnRH AnalogsHormone Receptor AntagonistsSelective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) AntiandrogensHormone Supplementation Progestagens and Androgens EstrogensSomatostatin AnalogsShifting Therapeutic Preferences Table 10.
For the purposes of clause S5.2.5.11 of schedule 5.2 of the Rules, a Generator listed in Table 10 is not required to include facilities for load control for the generating unit listed in column 2 of Table 10.
Another exception is when a pend reason code from Table 10 is warranted in the response.
In 2019, the government funded and participated in programs that include the goal of eliminating or preventing child labor (Table 10).
In 2018, the government funded and participated in programs that include the goal of eliminating or preventing child labor (Table 10).