Stage 3 definition

Stage 3 means the design development stage, which is to develop the approved concept to finalise the design, outline specifications, cost plan, financial viability and programme for the project
Stage 3 means the third stage of CalWORKs child care services. Stage 3 child care services are administered by the CDE through contracts with Alternative Payment program providers pursuant to EC 8354. Stage 3 child care begins when a CalWORKs family receiving Stage 1 or Stage 2 child care services has fully utilized the family’s twenty-four (24) months of eligibility to Stage 1 and Stage 2 child care services following the date the adult stopped receiving cash assistance. 5 CCR 18400(p)
Stage 3. The aggrieved employee shall request in a written statement a review by the Superintendent of Schools who, in turn, shall request a written statement of the determination reached at Stage 2 by the building principal. Within ten (10) school days of receiving said request, the Superintendent of Schools shall hold a hearing to obtain further information regarding the case. Representatives of the BPEA will be allowed to present information and testimony at this hearing. All written statements and any records of the case must be submitted at the hearing to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent of Schools shall render a written decision within ten (10) school days after conclusion of the hearing, informing all involved parties of the decision and reasons therefore. Stage 4: Arbitration

Examples of Stage 3 in a sentence

  • The bid evaluation process consists of several stages that are applicable according to the nature of the bid as defined below:Stage 1: Administrative pre-qualification verification Stage 2: Technical Mandatory requirement evaluation Stage 3: Technical Functionality requirement evaluation Stage 4: Price / B-BBEE evaluation NOTE: The bidder must qualify for each stage to be eligible to proceed to the next stage of the evaluation.

  • Credit-impaired financial assets are referred to as Stage 3 assets.

  • In order to facilitate resolution complainants wishing to progress their complaint to Stages 2 or 3 are required to complete fully and submit the Stage 2 or Stage 3 ‘Complainant Forms’ before their request can be considered.

  • When you bring a complaint to us under this procedure, you may expect the Academy Trust to:• Take your complaint seriously;• Treat you with courtesy and respect;• Deal with it with discretion and confidentiality (if the matter relates to the safety and well- being of a child then we reserve the right to share details with other agencies);• Offer you the opportunity to be accompanied at meetings, including Stage 3 panels.

  • Stage 3, 5 and 6 shall run in parallel with Stage 2 and 4 For stages 7 and 8 consultant will be required to submit a report at the completion of 90% of the activities for that stage.

More Definitions of Stage 3

Stage 3 restrictions means the restrictions imposed by one or more of the following directions given pursuant to s 200 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic) (the PHW Act):
Stage 3. Enrolment Data Input on EBS
Stage 3 means the Syncrude expansion project designed to increase annual Syncrude productive capacity to about 129 million barrels and enhance the quality of our product, which was completed in 2006;
Stage 3 means the series of tasks set forth in the Development Program as set forth in Exhibit 1 hereto, as amended from time to time, occurring after the approval of an ANDA for the Licensed Product.
Stage 3 means the third stage of CalWORKs childcare services. Stage 3 childcare services are administered by the CDSS through contracts with Alternative Payment program providers pursuant to WIC 10372.5. Stage 3 childcare begins when a CalWORKs family receiving Stage 1 or Stage 2 childcare services has fully utilized
Stage 3. If the dispute is not resolved at stage 2, the employee, Union Delegate or Employee Representative and Union Organiser will meet with the Supervisor/Manager and CEO.
Stage 3 the Grantee shall invest a further Three Million US Dollars (US$3,000,000) on the Property to earn a further Twenty Percent (20%) interest or equity (Sixty Percent (60%) cumulative total).