Stage 3 definition
Examples of Stage 3 in a sentence
The bid evaluation process consists of several stages that are applicable according to the nature of the bid as defined below:Stage 1: Administrative pre-qualification verification Stage 2: Technical Mandatory requirement evaluation Stage 3: Technical Functionality requirement evaluation Stage 4: Price / B-BBEE evaluation NOTE: The bidder must qualify for each stage to be eligible to proceed to the next stage of the evaluation.
Credit-impaired financial assets are referred to as Stage 3 assets.
In order to facilitate resolution complainants wishing to progress their complaint to Stages 2 or 3 are required to complete fully and submit the Stage 2 or Stage 3 ‘Complainant Forms’ before their request can be considered.
When you bring a complaint to us under this procedure, you may expect the Academy Trust to:• Take your complaint seriously;• Treat you with courtesy and respect;• Deal with it with discretion and confidentiality (if the matter relates to the safety and well- being of a child then we reserve the right to share details with other agencies);• Offer you the opportunity to be accompanied at meetings, including Stage 3 panels.
Stage 3, 5 and 6 shall run in parallel with Stage 2 and 4 For stages 7 and 8 consultant will be required to submit a report at the completion of 90% of the activities for that stage.