Examples of Target Quantities in a sentence
Should Supplier's daily deliveries combined with quantities to/from Supplier’s Rider EFBS balancing service, if applicable, not equal their Adjusted Target Quantities, then the Company will either buy-down Supplier's excess deliveries, or sell Supplier additional gas quantities until the daily Adjusted Target Supply Quantities are matched as further described below.
The ALLCAN Operationally Available Capacity Report contains information regarding Target Quantities at each Receipt Point and at pipeline segments.
DLIs, Target Quantities, and IDA Financing Amounts under PforR Item F.
The quantities of Wafers to be supplied by MEMC hereunder assume that in any Contract Year such amount of Wafers will be approximately [***]% of Conergy’s then current solar wafer demand, and the Yearly Target Quantities of Wafers set forth in Attachment B, as modified by Section 2.2(a), reflect this mutual intention of the parties.
August 7, 2008 (updated November 2012) Evaluation Guidelines issued by the DPS through the NYS Evaluation Advisory Group (EAG), https://www3.dps.ny.gov/W/PSCWeb.nsf/96f0fec0b45a3c6485257688006a701a/766a83dce56eca35852576da006d79a7/$ FILE/NY_Eval_Guidance_Aug_2013.pdf Table 3.2 Sample Strata with Target Quantities and Achieved Quantities Measure Category*Window/wall AC recycling participants had to also recycle at least one refrigerator or freezer to be eligible to participate.
Should Supplier's daily deliveries combined with quantities to/from Supplier’s Rider EFBS balancing service, if applicable, not equal their Adjusted Target Quantities, then the Company will either buy- down Supplier's excess deliveries, or sell Supplier additional gas quantities until the daily Adjusted Target Supply Quantities are matched as further described below.
It is furthermore understood and agreed by the parties that the Target Purchase Quantity in Section 2.7 are strictly related to the purchase prices of the Products; therefore, in case of any price increase, the annual Target Quantities for the subsequent Supply Year will be reviewed accordingly.
Otherwise:nused = nusedi,t i,t−1Where:,−is the Target Quantity of BNP Paribas Basket Componenti in BNP Paribas Basket onBasket Calculation Datet-lagi as determined in accordance with paragraph 2.4 ( Calculation of the Target Quantities) below; and is the Allocation Lag of BNP Paribas Basket Componenti as set forth in the Allocation Lags for each BNP Paribas Basket Component Table in paragraph 4.4 below.
PPL Electric will issue solicitations beginning in 2009 to competitively procure 5-month, 8-month, 11-month, 14-month, and 5-year Products at quantities defined on the basis of the Block Supply being purchased (see Target Quantities below).