Examples of Contract Specific Goals in a sentence
This up to 5% may be applied to the Contract Specific Goals, or it may be in addition to the Contract Specific Goals.
Bidders shall not be permitted to add MBEs or WBEs after bid opening to meet the Contract Specific Goals, however, contractors are encouraged to add additional MBE/WBE vendors to their approved compliance plan during the performance of the contract when additional opportunities for participation are identified.
The formation of joint ventures to provide MBEs and WBEs with capacity and experience at the prime contracting level, and thereby meet Contract Specific Goals (in whole or in part) is encouraged.
Refer to this section when preparing the MBE/WBE compliance plan and completing Schedule D-1 for guidance on what value of the participation by MBEs and WBEs will be counted toward the stated Contract Specific Goals.
Good Faith Efforts To Meet Contract Specific Goals to obtain M/WBE participation for each bid package under the contract, except for bid packages which are subject to a “modified good faith effort” under Section J, of this document.