Examples of Technical Parameters in a sentence
Duly filled, signed & stamped Compliance Matrix of both Technical Parameters and Commercial aspects at Annexure II to RFP/TE be scanned into .PDF document and to be uploaded in this cover.
For Technical Parameters, any of the Consortium members or their Group Companies may meet the criteria.
Along with the tender Technical Parameters enclosed duly filled in by the Tenderers along with technical catalogue etc.
The main part of the tender containing Important/ Main Information, Terms and Conditions, Technical Specifications, Schedule of Prices, Guaranteed General and Technical Parameters, Deviations etc.
In case the Applicant Entity is unable to meet one or more of the Technical Parameters by itself, it may rely on a Group Company (ies) for fulfilment of the Technical Parameters.
The Bidder who score maximum marks put together for technical bid and price bid shall be considered for selection, after techno-commercial evaluation based on 70% weightage to Technical Parameters and 30% for Financial Bid.
Further, if the solar photovoltaic modules meet all specifications mentioned in Section VI: Technical Parameters of this RFP, only then it shall be eligible for preferential work allocation under this Clause.
Financial proposals shall be opened only for those firms who have Qualified on Technical Parameters (i.e. secured at least 25% of maximum marks on evaluation criteria).
In case the Applicant Entity is unable to meet one or more of the Technical Parameters by itself, it may rely on a Group Company(ies) for fulfilment of the Technical Parameters.
Tenderers should ensure that the catalogue/brochure in lieu of tender sample submitted; fully conform to the Technical Parameters of specification and the Tender Enquiry.