Technical Review Panel definition
Examples of Technical Review Panel in a sentence
The Guidelines for integrating wetlands into integrated coastal zone management (Resolution VIII.4) have been used/applied Action Document case studies of good practice in the integration of wetlands into ICZM and make these available to the Convention for review by the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) as the basis for preparing further guidance on wetlands and ICZM under the Convention.
These priorities and all other activities should be very clearly described in the questions in s.4.6 below to ensure that the Technical Review Panel has a clear understanding of the planned work, and outcomes, over the proposal term.
All proposals considered of sufficient quality and technical rigor will be submitted to the Global Fund Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) for independent expert review.
The NERC President shall appoint a team of no less than (3) three persons with the required technical background to evaluate Exception Requests to review the Recommendation and accompanying materials provided by the Regional Entity pursuant to section 5.2.3, the Technical Review Panel opinion (if any), and any comment submitted by the Submitting Entity or Owner.
Before the RFP is finalized, the applicant shall select a Design-Build Technical Review Panel (Panel) to review the RFP.