Technical Sanction definition

Technical Sanction. (T.S.) means sanction to the detailed estimates and plans, detail drawings, BOQ by the Competent Authority.
Technical Sanction. (T.S.) means sanction to the detailed estimates and plans, detail
Technical Sanction means an order of a competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair proposed to be carried out in the Public Works Departments. Ordinarily, such sanction is an ante factum action accorded by the Administrative Department or by such authorities of the Department to whom the power has been delegated.

Examples of Technical Sanction in a sentence

  • As such Technical Sanction ensures that the proposal is structurally sound and estimate is an economical one.

  • Before Technical Sanction is accorded, plans and estimate should be prepared and scrutinized in the technical branch of the Works department.

  • The Department accorded Administrative Approval (AA) and Technical Sanction (TS) for Computerisation and supply of hardware amounting to` 20.25 crore (January 2005).

  • Copy of detailed estimate and its Technical Sanction by competent technical authority.

  • According to para 1.59 & 2.89 of Buildings and Roads Code, during the execution of work, neither the specification nor the quantity of different items / any additional item scheduled approved in the Technical Sanction be changed and executed without prior approval of such change / new addition by the authority who has issued Technical Sanction.

More Definitions of Technical Sanction

Technical Sanction means the order of a competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of the work of construction or repair to be carried out in the Public works Department or any other Department of the Government.
Technical Sanction. - means the technical sanction accorded by the competent authority to a properly detailed estimate for work to be done.
Technical Sanction means the order of a competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair to be carried out by the Public Works Department. (c.f. Administrative approval).
Technical Sanction means sanction of a Competent Authority to a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair;
Technical Sanction means the scrutiny of estimates from technical point of view and denotes that the estimates as sanctioned are technically correct and in order.
Technical Sanction means the sanction of the competent authority to a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work. A technical sanction amounts to no more than a guarantee that the proposal is structurally and technically sound, the estimates are accurately calculated and based on adequate data.
Technical Sanction means the order of the competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair proposed to be carried out in the department. As per adoption the adminis-