The Proposal. The Parties agree that Consultant is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error found in the RFQ prior to Consultant submitting its Qualifications or the right to clarify same shall be waived.
The Proposal. If a party discovers a discrepancy within the documents, it must notify the other as soon as practicable, and the Employer’s Representative may resolve the discrepancy.
The Proposal. 1.1 The application comprises an outline application for the provision of up to 117 dwellings on land adjoining Hope All Saints Garden Centre, Ashford Road, New Romney. The proposal will also include areas of open space as well as the retention of 0.7 hectares of existing playing field serving the neighbouring St Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx of England (Controlled) Primary School.
1.2 The application site forms part of land designated within policy CSD8 of the Shepway Core Strategy Local Plan 2013 as a Broad Location for residential development of around 300 dwellings. The application site in totality comprises 5.7 hectares with all matters reserved for future consideration.
1.3 The documentation submitted with the applications sets out the key features, which include: • Up to 117 dwellings. • The provision of a playing field on 0.7ha, on land currently owned by Kent County Council, to serve the neighbouring St Xxxxxxxx Primary School. This will replace the existing playing field that is approximately 1.5ha in size and is proposed to be developed in part. • An integrated network of public open spaces; • Retention of existing water features, mature trees and hedgerows; • Connectivity across the site into both New Romney and the surrounding countryside; • Pedestrian links with the surrounding town to the south and wider landscape.
1.4 The Design and Access Statement (DAS), produced by FPCR Environment and Design Ltd, sets out the context and evaluation and evolution of the proposals and details the design process. In accordance with the requirement set out in Core Strategy Policy CSD8 the proposals were informed by, and are supported by, a masterplan produced for the Broad Location for development within which the site is located. The masterplan was subject to public and stakeholder consultation during October and November 2014. The proposals presented as part of this application for planning permission have been informed by the feedback received from the pre-application consultation.
1.5 The masterplan was also used to support the development of an application for outline planning permission for up to 110 dwellings on land adjoining the application site, submitted in February 2015 by EA Strategic Land (ref. Y15/0164/SH).
The Proposal. The Parties agree that Concessionaire is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error found in the RFP prior to Concessionaire submitting its Proposal or the right to clarify same shall be waived.
The Proposal. The Software as a Service Subscription Agreement.
The Proposal. Under the Proposal, if the Scheme becomes effective, the Disinterested Shareholders will receive from the Offeror the Cancellation Consideration in cash for every Scheme Share cancelled and the WMVL Shareholders will receive, for each of their Scheme Shares cancelled, the WMVL Cancellation Consideration. The Cancellation Consideration Price of HK$6.30 in cash for every Scheme Share cancelled under the Scheme represents:
(a) a premium of approximately 19.54% over the closing price of HK$5.2700 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange on the Last Trading Day;
(b) a premium of approximately 23.34% over the average closing price of approximately HK$5.1080 per Share based on the daily closing prices as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the 5 trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day;
(c) a premium of approximately 23.60% over the average closing price of approximately HK$5.0970 per Share based on the daily closing prices as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the 10 trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day;
The Proposal. Our clients are inviting offers for the Leasehold interest. We understand the Landlords (Torridge District Council) will offer a new 3 year lease upon completion at a rent of £2,150 per annum.
The Proposal. 2.1 No development is proposed, only a deed of variation to the Section 106 Legal Agreement associated with the original 2006 consent. The variation is required because clause 4.16 of the S106 Agreement required Unit 7 to be occupied as community space. Unless, written notice and evidence which illustrates that all reasonable endeavours to market unit 7 in D1 use, for a period of two years from first occupation, have been carried out (including paragraph 2.22 of the Section 106 Legal Agreement which defines market rent to include a rent free period or a financial concession to the tenant). In addition evidence is required to be submitted which demonstrates that no demand exists for a community facility. If these requirements can be satisfied and unit 7 has not been occupied in D1 use by two years of the date of occupation then the Section 106 legal agreement would permit A1 retail use at Unit 7.
2.2 Information has been submitted confirming that Unit 7 has been marketed as a community unit since occupation in April 2010 and before this date, with little interest from community organisations. Evidence has also been submitted showing that no demand exists for a community facility at this location. Considering the submitted evidence and that the two year required marketing period would expire in April 2012, the applicants are proposing a £100,000 lump sum in lieu of marketing Unit 7 for the remaining period until April 2012.
The Proposal. 4.1. The D2A programme spans the commissioning and procurement of a range of options to meet patient needs following discharge from hospital: • Pathway 1 – to intermediate care and reablement services provided in their own homes. • Pathway 2 – to residential care within the independent and voluntary sectors. • Pathway 3 – to nursing care within the independent and voluntary sectors.
4.2. This MOU specifically relates to services to be made available to patients who meet the criteria within Pathway 2 and Pathway 3 (however the emphasis will be on pathway 3) via beds within the independent sector. There is an expectation that all stakeholders will operate within the framework set by the pathways.
4.3. South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Warwickshire County Council and South Warwickshire Foundation Trust has supported the project to continue until March 2015. The provision of beds within the 3 care homes is identified to a total of 30.
4.4. Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding, by giving their signed agreement to it, place an expectation on commissioners, the care home(s) and members of the Multidisciplinary Team, which will include the Acute Discharge Coordinator Team. The focus will be on a short term period for assessment and reablement with an emphasis at the earliest stage that the assessment process is shaped to describe the most appropriate care arrangements and funding beyond the 6 week period. The specification and contract with the care home(s) will emphasise a cultural change required within their staff teams, which will support the work done by the Discharge Coordinator Team in the Acute Hospital, to continually focus on the next step.
4.5. It is intended that this project will lead to tangible benefits for South Warwickshire Foundation Trust in terms of: • Improving and therefore decreasing acute bed occupancy. • Improving delayed transfers of care. • Meeting target flow and length of stay measures. • Reduce hospital mortality.
4.6. In addition, successfully implementing D2A will reduce whole system costs of care to patients. It will provide a clear framework within which costs of care can be allocated to the commissioning parties post discharge. It will provide greater stability to placements on discharge, potentially reducing demands on primary care and on social care.
4.7. It is intended that D2A continues to evaluate the requirement for a joint approach across health and social care to improve the management of both cos...
The Proposal. 6.1 The proposal is attached to these terms and conditions.
6.2 The proposal shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 10 days.
6.3 The proposal must be accepted by the client in its entirety.
6.4 The agreement between the Company and the Client, incorporating these Terms and Conditions, shall only come into force when the Company confirms acceptance to the Client.