Tenure appointment definition
Examples of Tenure appointment in a sentence
At the expiration of the Term Tenure appointment or if a request for extension of the appointment is not approved by the chair, dean or Provost, the individual’s employment and appointment at UMMS ends, and there is no form, measure or payment of any “notice” to the individual.
Tenure appointment shall remain in effect if and while a Department Chairperson assumes a non-bargaining unit (administrative) position or while assigned to a special project supported by grant or contract funds.
Tenure appointment to the following personnel, having satisfactorily completed the appropriate probationary period, effective on the date indicated.
This Subsection is not intended to prohibit, restrict, or condition any assignment of this Lease in a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding or to terminate or modify this Lease in the event of a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, but only to allocate the proceeds of any assignment and to clarify the scope, nature, and extent of Tenant’s property interest in this Lease.
In addition to his/her duties as head of emergency management, he/she shall have the additional duties and responsibilities of a head of emergency management as provided for in statute.(b) Tenure; appointment and statutory provisions.
Tenure appointment has fixed life but appointment done against sanctioned post without indicating the tenure shall continue till the age of superannuation unless removed, dismissed or terminated in accordance with law (vide L.P. Agarwal (Dr.) vs.
Tenure appointment refers to a condition of continuous appointment that may be terminated for the following reasons only: D.
Michael D., Professor – Engineering Technology Department, Permanent Tenure appointment, effective July 1, 2024, be approved.
A motion was made by: Russell Stewart 2nd Motion: Susy QuayleVote: Ayes 6 Abstained 0 Nays 0 Absent 1(ST)Motion Carried 6-6 Approval – Tenure Appointment Resolution #13Be it resolved upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approved the Tenure appointment of Shannon VanShufflin- Wolanin in the area of Physical Education effective January 2, 2021.
Motion Made: Seconded:Discussion:Votes Taken: Ayes Nays Abstained Absent 6-6 Action – Approval – Tenure Appointment Resolution for ConsiderationBe it resolved upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools,the Board of Education approve the Tenure appointment of Shannon VanShufflin - Wolanin in the area of Physical Education effective January 2, 2021.