The Chancellor means the chancellor (or, in the case of the diocese of Canterbury, the Commissary General) of the diocese ;
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the Board.
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Examples of The Chancellor in a sentence
The Chancellor shall provide a report to the Board of Regents regarding any approved salary schedule changes.
The Chancellor shall develop written procedures to imple- ment the grading and credit provisions adopted by the Board.
The Chancellor and Presidents are responsible for oversight of the host accounts created under their respective authority.
The Chancellor should also be consulted with regard to significant remodeling expenses for presidential offices.(B/R 6/91, 9/99, 10/02, 8/04; Added 6/05; A.
The Chancellor shall develop and utilize as a component of the evaluation a completion metric which reflects the complex mission of a community college.
More Definitions of The Chancellor
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University;
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the Diocese appointed by the Bishop.
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University as provided by these Articles;
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University of Otago elected under the principal Ordinance:
The Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University referred to in section 9;
The Chancellor. ' means the Chancellor Of the University referred to 111
The Chancellor means the Chairman for the time being of the Governing Authority;