Tenure Holder definition

Tenure Holder means a Person who holds specific rights to harvest timber in a Crown or public forest;
Tenure Holder means a person who has acquired from an intermediary the right to hold lands for the purpose of collecting rents or bringing them under cultivation by establishing tenants thereon.
Tenure Holder means a person, corporation, or entity that holds an existing tenure or permit awarded under Provincial legislation;

Examples of Tenure Holder in a sentence

  • This Proponent Acceptance Deed is made by the Tenure Holder in favour, and for the benefit, of the PBC and the Native Title Group.

  • To address concerns regarding impacts to the guide-outfitter from Blackwater, the EAO proposes Condition 38: Tenure Holder Communication and Mitigation Plan and Report, which would require New Gold to consult with this guide-outfitter operation regarding impacts to its tenure, and to mitigate effects to the guide-outfitter consistent with provincial policy on overlapping tenures.

  • SCHEDULE A Description and Serial Numbers for Equipment and Location of Goods NIL SCHEDULE "B" Coal Licenses and Coal Leases Licensor: Provincial Crown Tenure Holder: Pine Valley Coal Ltd.

  • Governing Policies: RA 7160, DENR-DILG JMC 98-01 Who can Participate: Individual LGUs or cluster of LGUs Rights, Privileges of Tenure Holder: Residents assigned by the LGU to manage the communal forest may cut, collect and remove forest products for their personal use in accordance with existing laws and regulations and subject to the provision that utilization of resources shall be in accordance with sustainable development.

  • The Tenure Holder acknowledges that it has had an opportunity to seek independent legal advice with respects to all aspects of this Proponent Acceptance Deed, the PSHA and the ILUA.

More Definitions of Tenure Holder

Tenure Holder means a person who is the holder of a holding but 1[except in Chapter III] does not include —
Tenure Holder means a Bhumidhar with transferable rights or Bhumidhar with non-transferable rights and includes :--
Tenure Holder means a bhumidhar, sirdar, asami, Government lessee or other Government grantee;
Tenure Holder means a land-owner and includes an occupancy tenant, a protected tenant, a tenant under the State, 1[an allottee of land held by an evacuee as defined in the Jammu and Kashmir Evacuees (Administration of Property) Act, Svt. 2006] and an allottee of land under the State ;
Tenure Holder means an individual, corporation, or other legal entity, or their respective agent, who holds a tenure or permit awarded under Provincial legislation.
Tenure Holder means a lai1d-own~r ot a tenant of the land concerned'
Tenure Holder means a landowner or a tenant of the land concerned;