Specific Rights Sample Clauses
Specific Rights a. The Contractor shall ensure that its beneficiaries have the right to:
i. Receive information regarding the Contractor’s PIHP and plan in accordance with 42 CFR §438.10.
ii. Be treated with respect and with due consideration for his or her dignity and privacy.
iii. Receive information on available treatment options and alternatives, presented in a manner appropriate to the beneficiary’s condition and ability to understand. (The information requirements for services that are not covered under the Agreement because of moral or religious objections are set forth in 42 CFR §438.10(g)(2)(ii)(A) and (B).)
iv. Participate in decisions regarding his or her health care, including the right to refuse treatment.
v. Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation, as specified in other Federal regulations on the use of restraints and seclusion.
vi. If the privacy rule, as set forth in 45 CFR parts 160 and 164 subparts A and E, applies, request and receive a copy of his or her medical records, and request that they be amended or corrected, as specified in 45 CFR § 164.524 and 164.526.
b. The Contractor shall ensure that its beneficiaries have the right to be furnished health care services in accordance with 42 CFR §§438.206 through 438.210.
Specific Rights a. The Contractor shall ensure that its beneficiaries have the right to:
i. Receive information regarding the Contractor’s PIHP and plan in accordance with 42 CFR §438.10.
ii. Be treated with respect and with due consideration for his or her dignity and privacy.
iii. Receive information on available treatment options and alternatives, presented in a manner appropriate to the beneficiary’s condition and ability to understand.
iv. Participate in decisions regarding his or her health care, including the right to refuse treatment.
v. Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation, as specified in other Federal regulations on the use of restraints and seclusion.
vi. If the privacy rule, as set forth in 45 CFR parts 160 and 164 subparts A and E, applies, request and receive a copy of his or her medical records, and request that they be amended or corrected, as specified in 45 CFR § 164.524 and 164.526.
b. The Contractor shall ensure that its beneficiaries have the right to be furnished health care services in accordance with 42 CFR §§438.206 through 438.210.
Specific Rights. The right to manage the operations, buildings and plants and to direct the work force includes, but is not limited to, the following:
A. Determine matters of inherent managerial policy which include, but are not limited to areas of discretion or policy such as the functions and programs of the public employer, standards of services, establishment of employee training programs, its overall budget, utilization of technology, and organizational structure;
B. Direct, supervise, evaluate or hire employees;
C. Maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of governmental operations;
D. Determine the overall methods, process, means, or personnel by which governmental operations are to be conducted; determine the necessity for overtime and the number of employees necessary for overtime work;
E. Suspend, discipline, demote, discharge for just cause, lay off, transfer, assign, schedule, promote, or retain employees;
F. Determine the adequacy of the work force;
G. Determine the overall mission of the employer as a unit of government;
H. Effectively manage the work force;
I. Take actions to carry out the mission of the public employer as a governmental unit.
Specific Rights. The Limited Partner shall have the same rights as the General Partner to:
(a) have the Partnership books kept at the principal place of business of the Partnership and a formal accounting of Partnership affairs whenever circumstances render it justifiable and reasonable;
(b) have on demand true and full information of all things affecting the Partnership and a formal accounting of Partnership affairs whenever circumstances render it justifiable and reasonable.
Specific Rights. (i) Not for resale/demo. Your right to use a not for resale/demo version of the software terminates when you no longer have a valid partner agreement with Sage.
Specific Rights. 1. Manage and control the school's business, the equipment, the operations and to direct the working forces and affairs of the employer.
2. Continue its rights and past practices of assignment and direction of work of all of its personnel, determine the number of shifts and hours of work and starting times and scheduling of all the foregoing.
3. Direct the working forces, including the right to hire, promote, suspend and discharge employees for just cause, transfer employees, assign work or extra duties to employees, determine the size of the work force and to lay off and recall employees.
4. Determine the services, supplies and equipment necessary to continue its operations and to determine the methods, schedules and standards of operation, the means, methods, and processes of carrying on the work including automation thereof or changes therein, the institution of new and/or improved methods or changes therein.
5. Adopt reasonable rules and regulations.
6. Determine employee qualifications and the conditions of continued employment.
7. Determine the location or relocation of its facilities, including the establishment or relocation of new schools, buildings, departments, divisions or subdivisions thereof and the relocation or closing of offices, departments, divisions or subdivisions, buildings, or other facilities.
8. Determine the placement of operations, production, services, maintenance or distribution of work, and the source of materials and supplies.
9. Determine the financial policies, including all accounting procedures, and all matters pertaining to public relations.
10. Determine the size of the management organization, its functions, authority, amount of supervision.
Specific Rights. Pursuant to this Agreement You get the right to own hardware, you are licensed Software, and you are given recurring access (via subscriptions) to the relevant system(s). You may also request, from time to time, on mutually agreed terms, customized professional or field services. The hardware, Software, subscriptions and professional and field services all together are referred to herein as the “Service”. The Service combines web-based software with GPS and/or other wireless devices to allow You to locate, track, and manage assets around the world. We will provide You with access to the Service via the internet or, if desired, through connection to Your applications or systems. The Service does not include perpetual monitoring of Your device’s battery health and physical status by Geoforce. Further any modifications to Your data feed configurations after initial set up required as a result of Customer initiated changes are not included in the Standard Service.
Specific Rights. Without limitation, but by way of illustration, the exclusive prerogatives, functions and rights of the city shall include the following:
1. To determine the services to be rendered to the citizens of the City.
2. To determine and to follow the City's financial, budgetary, and accounting procedures.
3. To direct and supervise all operations, functions, and policies of the departments in which the employees in the bargaining unit are employed, and operations, functions, and policies in the remainder of the city as they may affect employees in the bargaining unit.
4. To close or liquidate any office, branch, operations or facility, or combination of facilities or to relocate, reorganize or combine the work of divisions, offices, branches, operation or facilities for budgetary or other reasons.
5. To manage and direct the work force, including but not limited to, the right to determine the methods, processes, and manner of performing work; the right to hire, promote, transfer and retain employees; the right to layoff; the right to abolish positions or reorganize departments; the right to determine schedules of work; the right to purchase, dispose of and assign equipment or supplies.
6. To determine the need for a reduction or an increase in the work force and the implementation of any decision with regard thereto.
7. To establish, revise and implement standards for hiring, classification, promotion, quality of work safety, materials, and equipment.
8. To implement new and to revise or discard, wholly or in part, old methods, procedures, materials, equipment, facilities and standards.
9. To assign shifts, workdays, hours of work and work locations.
10. To assign and designate all work duties.
11. To introduce new duties within the unit.
12. To determine the need for and the qualifications of new employees, transfers and promotions.
13. To discipline, reprimand, suspend and discharge an employee subject to the discipline Article of this Agreement.
14. To determine the need for additional educational courses, training programs, on the-job training and cross-training and to assign employees to such duties for such periods to be determined by the City.
15. To determine the need for overtime and the employees to work such overtime.
Specific Rights. Union recognizes that the sole and exclusive rights, powers and authority of County also include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) to determine the organization of County Government; (b) to determine the purpose of each of its constituent agencies;
Specific Rights. The management of the College and the direction of its work force, including but not limited to the exclusive rights: to determine whether all or any part of the operations covered by this Agreement shall commence, cease, continue, reduce or increase; to transfer an operation or any part thereof from one campus to another; to establish new jobs; to abolish or change existing jobs; to increase or decrease the number of jobs or employees; to introduce or change existing equipment, services or facilities; to assign work to be performed; to create or abolish shifts; to require employees to work overtime; to establish and change hiring procedures; to set the work schedules; to transfer employees from job to job, to a shift or a campus to another job, shift and/or campus, either on a permanent or temporary basis; to evaluate and direct the work of the employees covered by this Agreement; to maintain, enforce, rescind or change College policies, practices, procedures or rules of conduct; to establish the standards of conduct and work of employees; to discipline or discharge employees for just cause; to lay off employees as determined by the Board; to establish requirements for employment; to promote and demote employees; and to have complete authority to exercise those rights and powers incidental to each of the rights reserved to management, including the right to alter or vary past practices as the College may determine to be necessary for the orderly and efficient operation of the College, shall be vested exclusively in the College, subject only to such restrictions governing the exercise of these rights as are expressly and specifically provided in this Agreement. The College’s failure to exercise any right hereby reserved to it or its exercising any right in a particular way shall not be deemed a waiver of its right to exercise such right nor preclude the College from exercising the same right in some other way not in conflict with the express provisions of this Agreement.