Examples of Test excavation in a sentence
Test excavation units will be recorded on unit-level forms, which include plan maps for each excavated level, and material type, number, and vertical provenience (depth below surface and stratum association where applicable) for all artifacts recovered from the level.
Test excavation was undertaken over three days 08/01/20 - 10/01/2020.
This includes: - Monitoring the removal of the remaining structure of the cottage;- Test excavation within the defined curtilage to determine the presence, or absence, of archaeological relics, define the extent of the remains and refine the assessment of significance;- Salvage excavation based on the results of the monitoring and test excavation; and- Analysis and preparation of a final archaeological investigation report.
Test excavation at CA-GLE-328 produced a small house floor, a hearth, ash features, charcoal, baked clay, fire cracked rock, flaked stone, one core, three flake tools, a handstone, and millingstone fragment.
Test excavation of potentialborrow pits for road base along this new route is in progress, with a view to more tightly define the scope and price for the road contract.
Test excavation must be undertaken at an early stage and must be completed prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate and prior to the commencement of any demolition or excavation work onsite to provide the best opportunity to prevent harm to Aboriginal cultural heritage and avoid delays during the construction process.
The maximum surface area of all test excavation units will be no greater than 0.5% of the area being investigated, Test excavation units will be backfilled as soon as practicable.
Test excavation is one of the techniques in carrying out archaeological assessment which may also include, as appropriate, documentary research, field walking, examination of upstanding or visible features or structures, examination of aerial photographs, satellite or other remote sensing imagery, geophysical survey, and topographical assessment’ (DAHGI 1999b, 18).
Test excavation as part of survey for Section 106 compliance purposes should be limited to cases where it is necessary to assist in assessing the eligibility or ineligibility of a property being evaluated.
Test excavation must be limited to a scale that would not substantially alter the property’s significant archaeological features, that is, those which would make it eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.