Examples of Test procedure 1 in a sentence
The strap or cable shall be of a material having an elongation of nomore than 5 mm (0.20 in.) per 300 mm (11.8 in.) when loaded with a 22-kg(48.5 lb) weight in a free hanging position.(b) Test procedure .(1) Orient the headform so that its face is down, and lock it in that orientation.(2) Place the helmet on theappropriate size full chin headform in accordance with the HPI and fasten theretention system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Test procedure #1 1 Installation/deployment of a network of terminals within a cognitive zone.
Test procedure 1 is based on the sum of the engine power and adjusted battery power and is determined by using measured engine speed as an indicator of power output with reference to the methods described in ISO 1585 and UN regulation 85 engine test results.
Test procedure #1 2 Change network configuration of FSS terminal in incumbent user link interference presence.
Whether the issue is distribution or recognition, claimants must show that current conditions prevent them from participating on a par with others in social life.«(Fraser and Honneth 2003: 57) Test procedure 1.
LabelOutcome denominationBeneficiaryF20- Homologated product: 2 piecesPACTMAR- Homologated technology: 1 pieceASASF64- Technological study: 1 piece; Prospective and market study: 1 piece; Test procedure: 1 piece; Demonstration technology: 1 piece; Using methodology: 1 piece;Technical plan: 1 piece; Homologated product: 1 pieceS.C. MAT S.A. Craiova / Research contract no.