Healing arts screening means the testing of human beings using x-ray machines for the detection or evaluation of health indications when such tests are not specifically and individually ordered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts legally authorized to prescribe such x-ray tests for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment.
Alcohol Screening Device (ASD) means a breath or saliva device, other than an Evidential Breath Testing Device (EBT), that is approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and placed on its Conforming Products List for such devices.
Test Strategy means a strategy for the conduct of Testing as described further in paragraph 3 of Call Off Schedule 5 (Testing);
Screening Test Technician (STT) means anyone who instructs and assists individuals in the alcohol testing process and operates an ASD.
Test means such test as is prescribed by the particulars or considered necessary by the Inspecting Officer whether performed or made by the Inspecting Officer or any agency acting under the direction of the Inspecting Officer;
HCD means the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Subsurface Borings and Testing means borings, probings and subsurface explorations, laboratory tests and inspections of samples, materials and equipment; appropriate professional interpretations of all the foregoing.
Drug test means a test designed to detect the illegal use of a controlled substance.
Test Report means a written report issued by The Sequoia Project that documents the outcomes of the Testing Process; that is, the Applicant’s compliance with the Specifications and Test Materials.
Snow tyre means a tyre whose tread pattern, tread compound or structure is primarily designed to achieve in snow conditions a performance better than that of a normal tyre with regard to its ability to initiate or maintain vehicle motion;
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;
Health screening means the use of one or more diagnostic tools to test a person for the presence or precursors of a particular disease.
Baseline data means information gathered at a selected point in time and used thereafter as a basis from which to monitor change.
Open Book Data means complete and accurate financial and non-financial information which is sufficient to enable the Customer to verify the Call Off Contract Charges already paid or payable and Call Off Contract Charges forecast to be paid during the remainder of this Call Off Contract, including details and all assumptions relating to: the Supplier’s Costs broken down against each Good and/or Service and/or Deliverable, including actual capital expenditure (including capital replacement costs); operating expenditure relating to the provision of the Goods and/or Services including an analysis showing: the unit costs and quantity of Goods and any other consumables and bought-in services; manpower resources broken down into the number and grade/role of all Supplier Personnel (free of any contingency) together with a list of agreed rates against each manpower grade; a list of Costs underpinning those rates for each manpower grade, being the agreed rate less the Supplier’s Profit Margin; and Overheads; all interest, expenses and any other third party financing costs incurred in relation to the provision of the Services; the Supplier Profit achieved over the Call Off Contract Period and on an annual basis; confirmation that all methods of Cost apportionment and Overhead allocation are consistent with and not more onerous than such methods applied generally by the Supplier; an explanation of the type and value of risk and contingencies associated with the provision of the Goods and/or Services, including the amount of money attributed to each risk and/or contingency; and the actual Costs profile for each Service Period.
Tests means and include such test or tests to be carried out on the part of the contractor as are prescribed in the contract or considered necessary by BHEL, in order to ascertain the quality, workmanship, performance and efficiency of the contractor or part thereof.
Mining Xxx 0000 means (unless the context otherwise requires) the Mining Xxx 0000 and the amendments thereto and the regulations made thereunder as in force on 31st December, 1981;
Category 4 Data is data that is confidential and requires special handling due to statutes or regulations that require especially strict protection of the data and from which especially serious consequences may arise in the event of any compromise of such data. Data classified as Category 4 includes but is not limited to data protected by: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191 as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH), 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/pub/irs-pdf/p1075.pdf); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration regulations on Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 CFR Part 2; and/or Criminal Justice Information Services, 28 CFR Part 20.
APIs means SAP application programming interface and accompanying or related Documentation, source code, tools, executable applications, libraries, subroutines, widgets and other materials made available by SAP or through SAP tools or SAP Software Development Kit (and all derivative works or modifications thereof) to Provider that allow Provider to integrate the Provider Service with the Cloud Service, including any access code, authentication keys or similar mechanisms to enable access of the APIs.
MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document means, as the context requires, either or both of the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Indicator Technical Specifications November 5, 2018 Version 1.3” and the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Target and Corridor-Setting Guidelines” as they may be amended or replaced from time to time;
obsrvd_agnt_cd ;"count erparty_identifier";"entty_rl";"cntrct_id";"instrmnt_id";" reporting_reference_date" Alpha-numeric Semicolon-separated string of all column names. Field names are put in double quotation marks. 1 reporting_agent_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 2 obsrvd_agnt_cd Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 3 counterparty_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 4 entty_rl Variable characters (25) 25 counterparty-instrument role type 5 cntrct_id Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 6 instrmnt_id Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 7 reporting_reference_date Date reporting reference date
Remanufacturing means the activity of overhauling, retrofitting, fabricating, or repairing a product or its component parts for ultimate sale at retail.
Stage 1 means the area at Port Xxxxxxx which is the subject of this Agreement and of the ERMP and which is shown bordered in purple as “stage 1” on Department of Land Administration 4 Miscellaneous Plan No. 1743;
Notebook computer , which means an electronic,
Test Plan means a plan for the Testing of the or Deliverables and other agreed criteria related to the achievement of Milestones as described further in paragraph 4 of Call Off Schedule 4;
911 Trunk A trunk capable of transmitting a 9-1-1 dialed call to the Selective Router, and used for the single purpose of transmission of 9-1-1 calls in accordance with applicable NENA Standards. Access Service Request (ASR): The Ordering and Billing Forum document designated by CenturyLink to be used by the Parties to add, establish, change or disconnect services or trunks for the purpose of providing special access, Switched Access Services, and Interconnection. Access Services: Interstate and intrastate Switched Access Services, Special Access and/or Private Line services, as appropriate. Act or the Act: The Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and as amended from time to time and codified at 47 ACTL: Access Customer Terminal Location as defined by Telcordia.
Serialization within the enterprise identifier means each item produced is assigned a serial number that is unique among all the tangible items produced by the enterprise and is never used again. The enterprise is responsible for ensuring unique serialization within the enterprise identifier.