Examples of The Airfield in a sentence
The Airfield Area includes, but is not limited to, the landing areas, runways, taxiways, ramps, aprons, adjacent infield areas, airfield lighting, navigational aids, secured service roads, and other facilities necessary for the support and maintenance of the airfield areas.
The Airfield is a high-noise environment and the use of personal hearing protection is highly recommended.
The Airfield is a high-noise area and the use of personal hearing protection is highly recommended.
The Airfield is the portion of the base used for airfield operations, i.e., take offs, landings, servicing, parking, etc.
The Airfield Construction Safety Plan conforms to the requirements of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-2G, Operational Safety on Airports During Construction.
The Airfield Manager’s office should be suitable to hold daily meetings with a number of contractors.
The Airfield Lighting Vault is an above ground facility housing regulators, controls, and other equipment necessary to provide power and control for airfield light systems (e.g., approach lighting system, runway, taxiway, and special lighting).
The Airfield Land Lease Agreement and the related supplemental agreement, including the rented areas and rental, is in the progress of obtaining approval from the related land governmental authorities.
The current Landing Fees rate shall be calculated as follows: The Airfield Net Requirement shall be allocated between Signatory and Non-Signatory Airlines based on landed weight, with the Non-Signatory landed weight being increased by twenty-five percent (25%).
The Airfield The suggested specification detailed below has been developed by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) to promote improved field management and provide added margins of safety for the ever-increasing numbers of fliers and spectators.