Examples of The EERA in a sentence
The EERA must include name and location of the incident, original agreement number that equipment is signed under, name and contact information of contracting officer making the change to include justification for the change.
EERA PreparationEERA Form The EERA should be established on the OF-294 form.
The EERA business model has proven that alliances of mission- oriented Research and Technology Organisations make it simpler to coordinate and harmonise programme implementation at EU level.11 The first pilot European Innovation Partnership was set up in the area of Active and Health Aging (EIP AHA).
The EERA is designed to be completed expeditiously so typical requirements like posting a synopsis, issuing a solicitation, or including evaluation factors are not required to make an award.Even though the process for establishing an EERA is less formal than a project contract there are factors to consider when contemplating an award, including:Procurement Authority –The person establishing the EERA must have delegated authority from their agency to sign the EERA.
The EERA will ensure that the research agenda gives continuity and a strong innovative base for the initiatives.
The EERA cautioned that the noise compliance issue would likely need to be reopened if the Hagen or Langrud properties were returned in the future to residential use.
The EERA noted, however, that any new residents could not waive WPL’s duty to meet noise standards even if they may be willing to live with violations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s ambient noise standard in exchange for payment or through some other agreement.
The EERA has evolved into a legal entity named “EERA AISBL” since April 2014.
In the same case the court also noted that: [T]he EERA gives PERB discretion to withhold as well as pursue, the various remedies at its disposal.
The initial problem of tumor motion results in motion artifacts, which can be observed in the reconstructed images, errone- ous Hounsfield unit (HU) values, and potentially insufficient dose coverage caused by incor- rect motion estimation during delineation of the tumor volume.