The Land Conservancy definition

The Land Conservancy means TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia, a society registered in British Columbia (Registration No.S-36826) and includes its permitted successors and assignees as provided in Section 13.

Examples of The Land Conservancy in a sentence

  • This task represents an anticipated share of staff time to develop these opportunities and support partner efforts.Partners and Their Roles: The Land Conservancy is the recipient of funding to develop a buffer surrounding Camp SLO.

  • This amount is externally restricted by an agreement between the Regional District, Tides Foundation, 0793406 BC Ltd., and TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia for the preservation of the land on Cortes Island known as Hank’s Beach as a forest conservation area and public park in perpetuity.

  • Based on his discovery, Mr. Snyder advocated for creation of a Natural Heritage Priority Site that included the marl pond and associated buffer lands.This first-preserved property within First Time Fen was acquired by Green Township, with the assistance of The Land Conservancy of New Jersey, on behalf of the State of New Jersey and the Trust.

  • The Trust, The Land Conservancy and Green Township hope to partner on habitat stewardship projects to tackle this and other invasive species.

  • The Land Conservancy proposes to work with all of the resource agencies to implement the recommendations of the Plan, undertaking those activities appropriate for the Land Conservancy directly while assisting in the coordination with agencies for their own areas of expertise.

  • CarriedMotion: That the Bylaws of TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia be amended by removing the words “a majority of not less than three-quarters (75%)” and inserting “the majority as specified in the Society Act”.

  • Environmental Reserves may be held by various levels of Government (Local, Provincial, Federal), private organizations such as BC Nature Trust, The Land Conservancy, or an individual landowner interested in conserving natural habitat.Environmental Reserves are also recognized floodplain or riparian areas.

  • Authorizing the Commissioner Director to sign on behalf of the County, a contract award with The Land Conservancy of New Jersey, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00, for a twelve month term, for professional consulting services for the development of a comprehensive farmland preservation plan, that were solicited under County RFP 0059-2021.

  • That the Bylaws of TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia be amended by removing the words “a majority of not less than three-quarters (75%)” and inserting “the majority as specified in the Society Act”.

  • That the Bylaws of TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia be amended by adding the words “or by proxy at a convened meeting” to 1.01(i) and removing “at the general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolutions as a special resolution has been duly given”.

Related to The Land Conservancy

  • in situ conservation means the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed their distinctive properties.

  • Conservation Plan means a document that outlines how a project site will be managed using best management practices to avoid potential negative environmental impacts.

  • Conservation easement means a nonpossessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.

  • Ex-situ conservation means the conservation of components of biological diversity outside their natural habitats.

  • Water conservation means the preservation and careful management of water resources.

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., as amended.

  • Conservation means any reduction in electric power

  • Land use plan means a plan prepared under former 1921 PA 207, former 1943 PA 184, or a site plan under the Michigan zoning enabling act, 2006 PA 110, MCL 125.3101 to 125.3702.

  • Energy conservation means demand-side management of energy supplies resulting in a net reduction in energy use. Load management that reduces overall energy use is energy conservation.

  • Condominium Act means Article 9-B of the New York Real Property Law (339-d et seq.) of the State of New York and all modifications, supplements and replacements thereof and all regulations with respect thereto, now or hereafter enacted or promulgated.

  • Resource conservation means the reduction in the use of water, energy, and raw materials. (Minn. Stat. § 115A.03, Subd. 26a)

  • Restricted use pesticide means any pesticide or device which, when used as directed or in accordance with a widespread and commonly recognized practice, the director determines, subsequent to a hearing, requires additional restrictions for that use to prevent unreasonable adverse effects on the environment including people, lands, beneficial insects, animals, crops, and wildlife, other than pests.

  • Rehabilitation Plan means a written plan designed to enable the Employee to return to work. The Rehabilitation Plan will consist of one or more of the following phases:

  • Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act means the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013);

  • Waste Disposal Site means a Waste Disposal Site which is not a Hauled Sewage Disposal Site, a Sewage Works or a Waste Stabilization Pond; and

  • Condominium Corporation means a condominium or strata corporation established under provincial legislation.

  • Reclamation plan means the operator's written proposal, as required and approved by the department, for reclamation of the land that will be disturbed. The proposal must include, to the extent practical at the time of application for an operating permit:

  • Land means the land described in Exhibit A.

  • AT&T LOUISIANA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Louisiana.

  • Individual Resource Status: Single Dwelling Contributing 1 Total: 1 Individual Resource Status: Shed Contributing 1 Total: 1 Primary Resource Information: Single Dwelling, Stories 1.00, Style: Queen Anne, ca 1895 February 2007: This Queen Anne style house has aluminum siding on a wood frame. The foundation is not visible. There is a 1 story 3 bay porch with turned wooden posts. The windows are 1/1 double hung vinyl. The roof is an aluminum false mansard. 2313 T Street, 2315 T Street, 2317 T Street, and 2319 T Street comprise a series of houses built on the same design, nearly identical to those found around the corner in the 1300 block of 24th Street. The design is two bays, one story, frame, with a false mansard roof. All four retain original Queen Anne style lathe-turned porch posts. All but 2313 have original wood sash 1/1 windows, while 2313 has vinyl replacements. 2319 has Inselstone siding, and 2313 has aluminum siding, while the two center houses (2315 and 2317) appear to have recently been restored to their original wood siding, which is double covelap. The original pressed metal shingles are still in place in the false mansard of 2319, while the mansard at 2313 has siding over the mansard; the two houses in between (2315 and 2317) have some kind of slate or wood shingle that has been painted in the mansards.

  • conservation area means any improved area within the boundaries of a redevelopment project area located within the territorial limits of the municipality in which 50% or more of the structures in the area have an age of 35 years or more. Such an area is not yet a blighted area but because of a combination of 3 or more of the following factors may be considered as a “conservation area”:

  • Agricultural tractor means every self-propelling vehicle designed or used for drawing other vehicles or wheeled machinery but having no provision for carrying loads independently of such other vehicles, and used principally for agricultural purposes.

  • Empowerment Neighborhoods means neighborhoods designated by the Urban Coordinating Council “in consultation and conjunction with” the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority pursuant to N.J.S.A 55:19-69.

  • Condominium Plan means a plan described in Section 4285.

  • Community land trust means a community housing development organization whose (i) corporate

  • Condominium Property means the lands, leaseholds, and personal property that are subjected to condominium ownership, whether or not contiguous, and all improvements thereon and all easements and rights appurtenant thereto intended for use in connection with the condominium.