the Order limits definition

the Order limits means the limits shown on the works plans within which the authorised project may be carried out;
the Order limits means the limits shown on the works plan within which the authorised development may be carried out;
the Order limits means the limits shown on the works plans represented by a red line within which the authorised development may be carried out;

Examples of the Order limits in a sentence

  • These plans identify the Order Limits for the authorised development identified in Schedule 1 as well as the limits of deviation for each of the Works in that Schedule as referred to in article 4 of the Order (limits of deviation).

  • It requires the undertaker, before it carries out any development or works which will or may disturb any human remains in any land within the Order limits, to remove those remains.

  • Help related to the IRS identity verification process can be found on the sign-in page or at www.

  • It authorises the undertaker to (1) compulsorily acquire land belonging to statutory undertakers shown on the land plans, (2) remove or reposition any statutory undertakers’ apparatus, where it is anywhere within the Order limits and (3) acquire compulsorily new rights over land belonging to statutory undertakers.

  • In identifying the development authorised by this Order, Article 3 also makes provision for the offshore and onshore works authorised by the Order to be constructed within the Order limits.

More Definitions of the Order limits

the Order limits means the limits of deviation and the limits of additional land to be acquired or used shown on the deposited plans;
the Order limits means the limits of the land to be acquired or used permanently or temporarily shown on the land plans and works plans within which the authorised development may be carried out;
the Order limits means the limits shown on the works plans as the limits within which the authorised development and works may be carried out;
the Order limits means the limits shown on the Order limits and grid coordinates plan within which the authorised project may be carried out, whose grid coordinates seaward of MHWS are set out in paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 (authorised project) of the Order;
the Order limits means the lateral limits shown on the works plan and the vertical limits set out in Article 6 and Requirement 4(2) within which the authorised development may be carried out;
the Order limits means the permanent limits and the temporary limits;
the Order limits means any limits of deviation and any additional limits of land to be acquired or used which are shown on the land plan or the works plan;