Examples of The Presidency in a sentence
The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall consist of three Members: one Bosniac and one Croat, each directly elected from the territory of the Federation, and one Serb directly elected from the territory of the Republika Srpska.
The Presidency shall nominate the Chair of the Council of Ministers, who shall take office upon the approval of the House of Representatives.
The Presidency may decide to facilitate inter-Entity coordination on matters not within the responsibilities of Bosnia and Herzegovina as provided in this Constitution, unless an Entity objects in any particular case.
Harold Relyea, The Presidency and the People’s Right to Know, in THE PRESIDENCY AND INFORMATION POLICY 1, 16-18 (1981).
The Presidency shall rotate between the North (Districts 1 – 4) and the South (Districts 5 – 8) and must have served a full term on the MHSAA Executive Committee or the Legislative Council.
The Presidency has the powers attributed to it by the law, these by-laws and the Internal Regulations.
The Presidency shall, as appropriate, inform the State of any third-party claims or of the fact that no claim was presented by a person who received notification of any proceedings conducted pursuant to article 75.
The Presidency shall comprise the President and two Vice-Presidents.
The Presidency shall determine its own rules of procedure, which shall provide for adequate notice of all meetings of the Presidency.
The Presidency did not accept the resignation and the Ministry of Finance announced on 5 March 2006 that the World Bank had made a $300k grant to support FFAMC.