Radioactive material means any solid, liquid, or gas which emits radiation spontaneously.
Airborne radioactive material means any radioactive material dispersed in the air in the form of dusts, fumes, particulates, mists, vapors, or gases.
Special form radioactive material means radioactive material that satisfies the following conditions:
Normal form radioactive material means radioactive material that has not been demonstrated to qualify as special form radioactive material.
Radioactive waste means radioactive waste as defined in Article 3(7) of Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom8;
Airborne radioactivity area means a room, enclosure, or area in which airborne radioactive materials, composed wholly or partly of licensed radioactive material, exist in concentrations:
Radioactive Products or Waste means any radioactive material produced in, or any material made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental to the production or utilisation of nuclear fuel, but does not include radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose.
Explosive material means any chemical compound, mixture, or device which produces a substantial instantaneous release of gas and heat spontaneously or by contact with sparks or flame.
Radioactivity means the transformation of unstable atomic nuclei by the emission of radiation.
Low-level radioactive waste or “waste” means radioactive material that consists of or contains class A, B, or C radioactive waste as defined by 10 C.F.R. 61.55, as in effect on January 26, 1983, but does not include waste or material that is any of the following:
Radioactive substance means a substance that emits ionizing
Natural radioactivity means radioactivity of naturally occurring nuclides.
Substances means chemical elements and their compounds in the natural state or obtained by any production process, including any additive necessary to preserve the stability of the products and any impurity deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition;
Combustible material means combustible refuse, combustible waste or any other material capable of igniting;
Residual radioactivity means radioactivity in structures, materials, soils, groundwater, and other media at a site resulting from activities under the licensee's control. This includes radioactivity from all licensed and unlicensed sources used by the licensee, but excludes background radiation. It also includes radioactive materials remaining at the site as a result of routine or accidental releases of radioactive material at the site and previous burials at the site, even if those burials were made in accordance with the provisions of Rule R313-15.
Waste Material means (1) any “hazardous substance” under Section 101(14) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9601(14); (2) any pollutant or contaminant under Section 101(33) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9601(33); (3) any “solid waste” under Section 1004(27) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. § 6903(27); and (4) any “hazardous substance” under Wis. Stat. § 292.01.
Byproduct material means any radioactive material (except Special Nuclear Material) yielded in, or made radioactive by, exposure to the radiation incident to the process of producing or utilizing Special Nuclear Material.
Nuclear material means source material, special nuclear material or by-product material;
PCBs means polychlorinated biphenyls.
Hydrofluorocarbons means compounds that only contain hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.
Friable asbestos material means any material that contains more than 1% asbestos by weight and that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder when dry, by hand pressure.
Environmentally Sensitive Material means oil, oil products and any other substance (including any chemical, gas or other hazardous or noxious substance) which is (or is capable of being or becoming) polluting, toxic or hazardous;
Flammable means a chemical that falls into one of the following categories:
Explosive means a chemical compound, device, or mixture:
Explosives (1) means solid, liquid or gaseous substances or mixtures of substances which, in their application as primary, booster, or main charges in warheads, demolition and other applications, are required to detonate.
explosive actuated fastening device means a tool that is activated by an explosive charge and that is used for driving bolts, nails and similar objects for the purpose of providing fixing;