Examples of Thermal equilibration in a sentence
Thermal equilibration within a fracture domain of a few centimeters width is rapid on the time scale of a typical SWIW test (hours to days), typically requiring only a few minutes (see Fig.
Thermal equilibration of process gases to the reaction temperature is critical to prevent erroneous mass recordings.27 Additionally, an equilibration time of 4 h was allowed following changes to the temperature set- point.
Molecule Building:- VMD used to prepare molecular structure for simulation.- Also reads X-PLOR, CHARMM, AMBER, and GROMACS input files.- Psfgen tool generates structure and coordinate files for CHARMM force field.- Efficient conjugate gradient minimization.- Fixed atoms and harmonic restraints.- Thermal equilibration via periodic rescaling, reinitialization, or Langevin dynamics.
Thermal equilibration of hot effluent waters is accompanied by evaporation which results in increases in concentrations of solution components, provided that their concentrations are not subject to solubility control.
The simulation was accomplished through four distinct steps: 1) 200 steps of Conjugate Gradient minimization 2) Ashort NVT dynamics with distance restraints 3) Thermal equilibration at 300 K and 1 bar (~1100 ps) in NPT ensemble 4) Production run (700 ps).
Burgarth at Aberystwyth University– Thermal equilibration algorithm exploiting higher-order detailed balance of energy transition byS.
Thermal equilibration and electric field equilibration were performed using the procedure set out in the ESI.
A typical range for charge current is C/3 (ISO 12405-2) and 1C (ISO 12405-1).3.0.4 Thermal equilibration at test temperature Comment (Sweden) regarding test temperature and importance of temperature equilibrationThe temperature of the DUT and the ambient are fundamental test parameters that define the test conditions and that may affect test results.
Thermal equilibration corresponds to all molecules being in the lowest vibrational level (v=0) [12].S2internal conversion vibrational relaxation Singlet State IntersystemS1 ConversionTriplet State T1 AbsorptionSo SoFluorescence Phosphorescence Figure 3: Schematic diagram of transitions giving rise to absorption and fluorescence emission spectra.Two basic types of spectra can be produced by a fluorescence spectrometer [18, 19].
Thermal equilibration in the canonical ensemble was achieved using the CSVR thermostat with a strong coupling.