Examples of Thesis Examination Committee in a sentence
In either case, the thesis must be defended in an oral examination before a Thesis Examination Committee consisting of the Thesis Advisor as chairperson and two other members of the Graduate Faculty chosen by the Thesis Advisor and approved by the Department Chair.
Communication between the Thesis Examination Committee and faculties is facilitated by the GRS.
The Thesis Examination Committee may recommend a doctoral thesis to be accepted for the award of a Master’s degree if the thesis does not meet the scope of a doctoral thesis but is adequate for a Master’s degree.
The Thesis Examination Committee may recommend that the student seek the assistance of an editing service if errors in grammar and syntax are extensive.
The Thesis Examination Committee, acting for the Higher Degree Research Board, establishes and oversees the Thesis Examination Process.
Research work that is not printed on paper such as artefacts, exhibition, performance or portfolio of professional or creative work must be recorded or produced in a format approved by the UTS Thesis Examination Committee on the advice of the UTS Librarian in regard to its preservation and maintenance.
Membership and Convening of Thesis Examination Committee - Master’s students according to the Engineering and Applied Sciences and Science Graduate Council Manuals: The supervisor, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall nominate members for the Master’s Examining Committee and propose a date, time and place for the examination.
MSc Thesis Examination CommitteeThe MSc Thesis Examination Committee is comprised of three voting members and the non-voting Chair of the examination.
The fourth and final part is a closed session involving only the Thesis Examination Committee to assess the quality of the thesis, and the performance of the candidate during the examination.
The third part is closed to all but the candidate and the Thesis Examination Committee, and the fourth is a closed session of the examiners in the absence of the candidate.