They don definition

They don t know what it means to be a student’: Inclusion and exclusion in the nexus between ‘global’ and ‘local’
They don t do subtlety” means in this context
They don t know what it means to feel one’s father standing behind one’s back.’5

Examples of They don in a sentence

  • They don' t queue behind each other! Multi-channel links violate the assumption that there is a sin- gle end-to-end forwarding path, with disastrous results for packet-pair, since in their presence it can form completely misleading overestimates for B.Again, we stress that the problem is more general than the circumstances shown in this example.

  • They don t’ pay attention to the overwhelming majority of the work we do that keeps the machinery of government, our government, fine-tuned.

  • They don 't want to talk about the Tritschler Report because nowhere does it prove their case that the former administration wasted one cent of public money in the Province of Manitoba .

  • They don ’t care, they say, ‘if you have a baby you can bring it on the road with us.

  • They don 't even give us pain relieving drugs to assist the clients with during our home visits ...

More Definitions of They don

They don t want to' means that a measu- re is deliberately omitted despite knowing better.
They don t look at employees as a means to an end. They are making an investment, from everything from the benefits to the free lunches to the fitness reimbursement – after you’ve eaten all the food!”
They don t tell you what competency means. There’s no definition of competency and competency, as you know, is one of those concepts there’s a lot of argument around what it is. Can you describe it? What
They don t know (what TA means) unless they’ve been to one of your seminars.”
They don t mean anything” means that there was no uptake for this type of liter- ature in a national field whose hegemonic references, metropoles, and imaginar- ies were elsewhere. Their metropole, recalls Abbas Beydoun, was Egypt. “They were,” he continues,
They don t know what extrapolating means. Sometimes with extrapolating they have to understand that it doesn’t always draw in the line of the curve, it has to flatten out and as a graph or when the enzyme is all occupied then it has to go flat, or when enzymes just denature, for example at high temperature, that the graph goes down because all the enzymes are dead. So these things they have to really learn”. (Lecturer #4).
They don t have any financial means to survive, but they are ready to learn and they want to work.”