Examples of Through Pedestrian Zone in a sentence
Furnishings Zone, the Through Pedestrian Zone, and the Frontage Zone, as defined by the Portland Pedestrian Design Guide.
The Through Pedestrian Zone is the area intended for pedestrian travel.
The landing must be in-line with the ramp. For diagonal ramps a landing is required at the bottom connection to pavement.• Through Pedestrian Zone (TPZ): Typically, the minimum corridor width of 6’ is required, with 4-foot minimum width allowable at pinch points, hard and smooth surfacing path that has a level cross slope and is free from all vertical obstructions, including but not limited to curbs, hydrants, trees, poles, benches, and tables.
The Through Pedestrian Zone provides the minimum clear width required for safe pedestrian movement.
They should not include multiple panels.⑥ Measurements “F” and “H” are taken from the back of the pedestrian circulation path to the front edge of the Through Pedestrian Zone.
If a greater slope is anticipated because of unusual topographic or existing conditions, the designer should maintain the preferred slope of 1:50 within the entire Through Pedestrian Zone, if possible.Longer, steeper grades should have landings every 400 feet where people can rest.
Among these are the expected volume of pedestrians on each sidewalk, the length of the expected pedestrian waiting time at the corner, and the size of the Through Pedestrian Zone extending through the corner.
Locating this infrastructure in the Furnishing Zone prevents it from encroaching on the Through Pedestrian Zone, where it is likely to cause accessibility issues.
In the event the 2017 Winding-up Resolution is passed, the Company has and will place such redemption notices as necessary ahead of the possible winding-up date of 31 December 2017 to ensure the Company has the ability to fulfil its obligations of a winding up.
The Sidewalk Corridor contains four distinct zones: the Curb Zone, the Furnishings Zone, the Through Pedestrian Zone, and the Frontage Zone.