TIF Fund definition
Examples of TIF Fund in a sentence
The TIF Fund will remain in existence so long as the Service Payments and Property Tax Rollback Payments are collected and used for the aforesaid purposes, after which time the TIF Fund will be dissolved and any surplus funds remaining therein transferred to the City's General Fund, all in accordance with ORC 5709.43.
Fallen Timbers TIF Fund – This fund is used to account for revenues restricted by a tax increment financing agreement for the area of Fallen Timbers.
The City may use amounts deposited into the TIF Fund only for the purposes authorized in the TIF Act and this ordinance (as it may be amended).
The budgetary figures which appear in the "Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual—General Fund" and in the "Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual— Fallen Timbers TIF Fund" are provided on the budgetary basis to provide a comparison of actual results to the final budget, including all amendments and modifications.
Chapter 24.21 of the Code of Iowa requires, when the necessity for maintaining the TIF Fund ceases to exist, the excess balance remaining in the fund, if any, be remitted to the County Treasurer and allocated to the respective taxing districts.