Timber harvest definition

Timber harvest means a forestry operation involving the harvesting of timber.
Timber harvest means a forestry operation involving the harvest
Timber harvest means a forestry operation involving the harvest of timber.

Examples of Timber harvest in a sentence

  • Timber harvest in this zone must be consistent with the stand requirements in order to reach the desired future condition targets.

  • Timber harvest may occur as close as 100 feet (required minimum RMZ width) to all Type 4 streams in the proposal area.

  • Timber harvest in the outer zone must leave ((20)) twenty riparian leave trees per acre after harvest.

  • Timber harvest activities in our bottomland hardwood forests are generally limited to regeneration harvests potentially up to 100 acres in size, however size is usually limited to 50 acres or less.

  • Timber harvest may be commercial and offered through a competitive bid process to achieve objectives including ecosystem restoration, threatened, endangered, and sensitive species conservation, stand regeneration for forest health, and wildlife habitat improvement.

  • Timber harvest in the outer zone must leave 20 riparian leave trees per acre after harvest.

  • Timber harvest activities, though they occur infrequently, require the use of large equipment and may involve substantial ground disturbance.

  • Timber harvest values and revenue trends can be found on Figures 21 and 22, and Table 11.

  • Timber harvest would provide continuing industrial production in the Plains area.

  • Level of non-timber forest benefits Scenery Fish and Wildlife Timber harvest level Because there are tradeoffs between timber harvests and non-timber forest benefits, decisions we make about the future of the forest products industry have the potential to affect the future of other Alaska industries.

More Definitions of Timber harvest

Timber harvest means the activity pertaining to the cutting and/or removal of forest product, but shall not include fertilization, prevention and suppression of diseases and insects and brush control.
Timber harvest means the activity pertaining to the cutting and/or removal of forest product which is subject to the moratorium provisions of Chapter 76.09 RCW.means the activity pertaining to the cutting and/or removal of forest product, but shall not include fertilization, prevention and suppression of diseases and insects and brush control.
Timber harvest means the removal of timber from a property in an amount greater than 5,000 board foot gross volume.
Timber harvest means the harvest of Timber from the Timberlands or the -------------- disposition of the rights of the Company or any Subsidiary to Timber on the Timberlands, including by means of timber deed, bulk, pay-as-cut, and stumpage sales. In the case of timber deed, bulk, pay-as-cut, and stumpage sales, the Timber so sold shall be deemed harvested for purposes of this definition in equal monthly amounts over the life of the contract, regardless of when the purchaser actually xxxxxx the Timber.
Timber harvest means the cutting or removal of timber for purposes of sale or profit for wood product purposes, such as lumber, biomass or fire wood, in conformance with the California Forest Practice Rules (Chapters 4, 4.5 and 10 of Division 1.5 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations).
Timber harvest or “harvest timber” means a forestry operation

Related to Timber harvest

  • Timber means forest trees, standing or down, of a commercial species, including Christmas trees. However, "timber" does not include Christmas trees that are cultivated by agricultural methods, as that term is defined in RCW 84.33.035.

  • Harvest means the ((marijuana)) cannabis plant material derived from plants of the same strain that were cultivated at the same licensed location and gathered at the same time.

  • Park model recreational vehicle means a unit that:

  • Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".