Time to Collision definition
Examples of Time to Collision in a sentence
The simplest solution is then to estimate a Time to Collision (TTC) by projecting the ego- vehicle and the trajectories of other moving object in the future [17].
In [18], the authors present a large-scale data analysis to compare Time to Collision (TTC) and the En- hanced Time to Collision (ETTC) indicator with acceleration under a normal vehicle driving.
There are numerous formulations of this safety concept such as Time Headway and Time to Collision.
As part of the automated approach measurement parameters of Time to Collision (TTC) and Post Encroachment Time (PET) were calculated to identify events of interest.
Method for Estimating Time to Collision at Braking in Real World, Lead Vehicle Stopped Rear End Crashes for Use in Pre-Crash System Design.
In most scenarios, this Time to Collision (TTC) is sufficient to warn the driver of impeding collision with a pedestrian.
And as previously discussed, the Time to Collision (TTC) proposed by Allen et al.
The questions of dimension normalization have appeared in the computer vision literature in another form, as the Time to Collision (TTC) problem.
Age and Gender Differences in Time to Collision at Braking From the 100- Car Naturalistic Driving Study." (n.d.): n.
The MobilEye calculates the expected Time to Collision (TTC) with the vehicle in front and, when the TTC drops to a dangerous threshold, it immediately generates an FCW alert.The forward collision warning distribution by road type is presented in Table 47.