Title XII definition
Examples of Title XII in a sentence
This constitutes authority for other than full and open competition when selecting Title XII institutions to perform Title XII projects.
The jurisdiction certifies that it will comply with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and Title XII of Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 by spending 50 percent of its grant funds within 2 years, and spending 100 percent within 3 years, of receipt of the grant.
The provisions of this subsection are applicable when the project office certifies that the activity is authorized under Title XII, and de- termines that use of the Title XII se- lection procedure is appropriate.
Landowner agrees that by signing this Agreement, the Landowner is enrolling the Property in the Agriculture Conservation Easement Program-Wetland Reserve Easement (ACEP-WRE), Subtitle H of Title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended, and agrees to the restoration and maintenance of the Property for the duration of the ACEP-WRE easement in accordance with the Warranty Easement Deed, appended hereto as Exhibit 1.
In addition to the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities, grantees must provide a narrative for each activity describing how the use of the grantee’s CDBG-R funds will meet the requirements of Title XII of Division A and Section 1602 of ARRA.
The jurisdiction certifies that it will comply with the Dodd‐Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and Title XII of Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 by spending 50 percent of its grant funds within 2 years, and spending 100 percent within 3 years, of receipt of the grant.
This sub-section prescribes policies and proce- dures for the selection of institutions eligible under Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, to perform activities authorized under Title XII.
The jurisdiction will comply with Title XII of Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
This easement deed acquisition is authorized by Subtitle H of Title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended, for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program - Wetland Reserve Easement.
The authority to modify, subordinate, exchange, or terminate this easement under Subtitle H of Title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 is reserved to the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with applicable law.