Examples of TiVo Device in a sentence
A TiVo Device shall constitute a Target Device under this Agreement solely to the extent each condition set forth in this Schedule is met.
CONTRACTOR has the right to perform the services required under this Agreement at any place or location or at any time he determines is appropriate.
SCHEDULE B-4 TIVO REQUIREMENTS A TiVo Device shall constitute a Target Device under this Agreement solely to the extent each condition set forth in this Schedule is met.
Extrapolating from the widely accepted estimates in Bruce Schneierís Applied Cryptography10 and assuming todayís understanding of cryptanalytic techniques, a 10 million dollar investment in a brute force attack on one of these keys would break the cipher for a single TiVo Device in roughly 2400 years.
In the case of DVD video, however, the secret keys gave the movie industry sufficient time to establish a successful market regardless of the fact that the keys were eventually used without authority by DeCSS.9 Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 2nd Edition (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996), 153.894-bit key length for asymmetric encryption operations, providing for a different unique key of this length to protect the content of each TiVo Device.
Each TiVo Device of a Customer may only be registered with one (1) single unique TiVo account.
Sending Digital Media ContentTiVoGuard protects digital media content as it transmits the content from one TiVo Device (the ìsenderî) to another (the ìreceiverî) as follows.