Examples of To obligate in a sentence
To obligate SRSA funds within the 27 months, LEAs must make a binding written agreement or receive goods or services (34 C.F.R. § 75.707).
LSSR Council of People’s Commissars decided to “obligate the persons working in the Lithuanian SSR Soviet industrial and other offices to learn the Lithuanian language [...] To obligate the Education commissar to organize courses, provide them with programs and instructors.
To obligate HSIP funds, a state department of transportation (DOT) must develop, implement, and update a strategic highway safety plan, produce a program of projects or strategies to reduce identified safety problems, and evaluate its program on a regular basis.
To obligate funds for this program, according to 23 USC 148, a state must develop and implement a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), produce a program of projects or strategies to reduce safety problems, evaluate the plan on a regular basis, and submit an annual report to the USDOT Secretary.
To obligate funds or establish a legally binding document, bureaus/IOs should consider an Interagency Agreement, Letter of Agreement, Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), or another procurement-related mechanism that is signed at the bureau/IO level in accordance with delegations of authority.
To obligate Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, Executive Officers and employees of the Kao Group to act with priority on the interests of the Kao Group, the Company has established the “Kao Guidelines on Preventing Conflicts of Interest” after their approval by the Board ofDirectors.
Neither party will have the authority To obligate or bind the other in any manner, and nothing herein contained will give rise or is intended to give rise to any rights of any kind to any third parties.
Inthis case, the technological factor (τ = τ (i), i ∈ I)plays a fundamental role.
To obligate HSIP funds, a State must develop, implement and update a SHSP, produce a program of projects or strategies to reduce identified safety problems, and evaluate the SHSP on a regular basis.
To obligate a school to begin a Title IX process, the Rules require it have actual knowledge via a formal, signed complaint filed with an appropriate school official by a complainant “participating in or attempting to participate in the education program or activity of the recipient.”This is another rule subject to much controversy.