Collector street definition

Collector street means a street, existing or proposed, of considerable continuity which serves or is intended to serve as the principal traffic way between large and separated areas or districts and which is the main means of access to the major street system.
Collector street means the class of street that serves the internal traffic movement within an area of the County, such as a subdivision, and connects this area with the arterial system. Collectors do not handle long through trips and are not, of necessity, continuous for any great length. This principal difference between collector and arterial streets is the length of the trip they accommodate. Collectors in an industrial area would properly carry truck movements which serve to terminate in that area.
Collector street means a street whose primary function is to carry local traffic to other streets, and which also usually provides direct access to properties;

Examples of Collector street in a sentence

  • Collector street curves Curves in collector streets shall be designed in accordance with design speed standards found in AASHTO manual, with exceptions to this standard granted only by the Final Approval Authority.

  • In addition, for all streets that intersect with Arterial and Collector streets, the sight distance must be large enough to allow a vehicle to enter the street and accelerate to the average running speed without interfering with the traffic flow on the Arterial or Collector street.

  • Upgrade the western half of street to County urban Collector street standards, unless the County Engineer approves a Design Exception pursuant to Chapter 2 of the County’s Road Design and Construction Standards, including a sidewalk on the Shannon Place frontage of Lot 14 (tax lot 1S109CB00500) and Tract C - (sidewalk to replace existing asphalt path along west side of Shannon Place).

  • Collector street (or larger) required for higher intensity land uses where the intensity is defined as a minimum twelve (12) units/acre on two or more acres, industrial areas, and commercial areas.

  • Collector street or road 100% MMDD Access street or road 98% MMDD The number of tests to be undertaken is as specified in Table 7.

More Definitions of Collector street

Collector street means a Street up to three lanes which carries traffic from Minor Streets to the Arterial Street system, including the principal Entrance and circulation Streets within residential Developments.
Collector street means a street that serves internal traffic within areas having a single land use pattern. The collector streets carry local traffic within a neighborhood area. They carry traffic from the local streets to the minor and/or major arterial network or to schools, local shopping centers, or other local streets within the neighborhood.
Collector street means a street located and designed for the primary purpose of carrying through traffic and of connecting major areas of the City. Unless otherwise designated by the Commission, collector street shall be defined on the plan for streets and community facilities in the comprehensive development plan.
Collector street means a street which collects traffic from residential streets and connects with arterials.
Collector street means a roadway designed to carry medium volumes of vehicular traffic, provide access to the major street system, and collect the vehicular traffic from the intersecting minor streets.
Collector street means a street which carries traffic from minor streets to the major street system, including the principal entrance streets of residence development and the primary circulating streets within such a development.
Collector street means any street that collects local streets and feeds into Arterial Streets with a typical traffic volume of two thousand to seven thousand five hundred (2,000 to 7,500) vehicles per day, including but not limited to Bollinger Canyon, Calle La Mesa, Camino Pablo, Camino Ricardo, Campolindo Drive, Corliss Drive, Country Club Drive, De La Cruz, portions of Donald Drive, Fernwood Drive, Larch Avenue, Natalie Drive, Paseo Del Rio, Paseo Grande, Rimer Drive, Sanders Drive, School Street, Shuey Drive, Tharp Drive, and Via Granada.