Examples of Collector street in a sentence
Upgrade the western half of street to County urban Collector street standards, unless the County Engineer approves a Design Exception pursuant to Chapter 2 of the County’s Road Design and Construction Standards, including a sidewalk on the Shannon Place frontage of Lot 14 (tax lot 1S109CB00500) and Tract C - (sidewalk to replace existing asphalt path along west side of Shannon Place).
In addition, for all streets that intersect with Arterial and Collector streets, the sight distance must be large enough to allow a vehicle to enter the street and accelerate to the average running speed without interfering with the traffic flow on the Arterial or Collector street.
Collector street or road 100% MMDD Access street or road 98% MMDD The number of tests to be undertaken is as specified in Table 7.
In this location, the community centre is planned to be served by transit service along both Weston Road and the proposed internal north- south Minor Collector street.
Alleys shall be provided off Local Access or Collector Streets only, not Arterials, and shall connect to a Local Access or Collector street at both ends.