Examples of Tolerance Margin in a sentence
Shipper Tolerance Margin is calculated by Petroleum type and is equal to the smaller of 500 m3 or 5% of each Shipper Tender for each Petroleum type.
The Penalty parameter causes FAR to increase, and DR, FM, and time, to decrease, between configurations Penalty 0.5 to Penalty 1.5.When using the NSL-KDD dataset for the Linear method configurations, the parameter that had the highest effect on performance was again Penalty, since Tolerance Margin had no effect other than on time.
All models had a lower DR and FM compared to their respective KDD’99 counterpart, with the exception of the Linear Baseline configuration (and those models resulting from Linear Tolerance Margin configurations, as they have the same performance as Baseline).When using the NSL-KDD dataset for the RBF method configurations, the parameter that had the highest effect on performance was again Spread.
For example, the baselines defined a low value for Tolerance Margin, resulting in that when the configuration deviate from the baseline in steps of 25% the models did not show a visually convincing difference in performance between configurations.Important to keep in mind when reviewing the results from all support vector machine configu- rations, across datasets, is that three parameters that were changed from default settings were kept static.
Facilitated reflection workshops were used to inform the evaluation and were included in the subsequent documentary.
For the support vector machine configurations, the Spread parameter was the most important for the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel and Penalty was the most important for the Linear kernel, Tolerance Margin was the least important for both kernels.
The linear configurations resulted in a lower FAR, and higher DR and FM, with time seeing additional decrease.In all of the runs for a modified Tolerance Margin, there is no discernible difference in performance except for time.Table 6.2: Performance metrics for all support vector machine method configurations (Config.) when training and predicting on KDD’99 and NSL-KDD.
Shipper Tolerance Margin is calculated by Petroleum type and is the smaller of 200 m3 or 2% of each Shipper Tender for each Petroleum type.
All models, when using either dataset, show the pattern of the parameter Tolerance Margin having no impact on FAR, DR or FM parameters, although in most cases seem to have had slightly increased time as Tolerance Margin had increased.When using the KDD’99 dataset for the RBF method configurations, the parameter that had the highest effect on performance was Spread.