Total Jobs definition
Examples of Total Jobs in a sentence
Alaska State and Local Government—Wage and Salary and Total Jobs (Thousand) 19901995Source: USDC BEA Regional Economic Accounts Web site, wage and salary employment—Table SA27, total employment—Table SA25.There are no self-employed state/local government workers.
Petroleum Production—Wage and Salary and Total Jobs (Thousand) Source: USDC BEA Regional Economic Accounts Web site, wage and salary employment—Table SA27, total employment—Table SA25.NAICS codes in parentheses.DIRECT EARNINGSThe total payroll of these categories is about $1 billion, and total employee compensation, payroll plus benefits, is about $1.2 billion.
Total Jobs with Employer Sponsored Health Care Benefits: Enter the total number of full time and part time jobs that were created where the employer provided or provides health care benefits to the persons taking the jobs.
Anticipated ClosingFall 2022Impact Summary Employment Jobs at Application:229*Jobs to be Created at Project Location (Year 3): 0 Total Jobs (full-time equivalents) 229 Projected Average Hourly Wage (excluding principals)$32.97Highest Wage/Lowest Wage$38.46/$27.47*Note: Represents employees of the subtenants, not Aeroterm.
SOC Estimated Overall Total Jobs for 2018 = 261,900 Estimated Overall Total Wages for2018 = $23.5 billion Based on data from: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018 Summary of growth and salary statistics by job type for Environmental and Spatial Technologies sectors.
Construction jobs are reported on an annual average basis.• The Total Jobs field is the sum of the full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract jobs figures.• Full Time Equivalent field contains the figure used for the calculation of City Benefits: it is given by Contract + Full Time + ½ Part Time jobs at project location (both permanent and temporary jobs are included).
Total Jobs Created to Date100 000New Jobs4 451+1,2% COMPARED TO 2021These flows amount to 481,687 units in 2022 (compared with 413,905 units in 2021) across all the activity zones of Tanger Med Industrial Platform.
Alternative 10 Annual Operations Jobs Impact Project Alternative 10 Non-Residential UsesDirect Jobs 5,193 6,368 Indirect Jobs2,140 2,728 Induced Jobs 2,147 2,673 Subtotal Non-Residential Uses [a]9,481 11,769 Household Spending Direct Jobs1,718 - Indirect Jobs460 - Induced Jobs457 - Subtotal Non-Residential Uses [a]2,635 - Total Jobs Direct Jobs6,911 6,368 Indirect Jobs2,600 2,728 Induced Jobs2,604 2,673 Totals [a]12,115 11,769 [a] Subtotals and totals may not sum precisely due to independent rounding.
Total Jobs Taken by Previously Unemployed Persons: Enter the total number of full-time and part-time jobs that were taken by people who were previously unemployed and seeking employment.
Table 9Projected Total Jobs: 2005, 2010, & 2015 2005 2010 2015Sources: * Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Projections 2002; All others: ABAG Projections 2005 While the total Bay Area Region will add over 630,000 jobs between 2005 and 2015, Alameda County itself is expected to add 137,470 jobs in the next 10 years.