Examples of Total Loss in a sentence
If you submit a claim online, you will need the unique Claim ID found on the Claim Form attached to this Notice or the claim number associated with the Total Loss.
TAVT is determined by applying the applicable TAVT percentage rate to the fair market value of the Total Loss Vehicle set by the DOR for TAVT at the time of the loss.
Cover Benefit Limit In the event of a Total Loss within the Territorial Limits, the Policy will pay the following benefits.
Unless you request exclusion from the Settlement Class, you give up the right to individually sue GEICO and claim you are owed TAVT as part of your Covered Total Loss Claim, even if you do not submit a Claim for payment as part of this Settlement.
ADDITIONAL EXCESS COVER Cover Benefit Limit In the event of a successful claim under Your Comprehensive Motor Insurance that does not relate to a Total Loss, or for glass repair or replacement, and where Your Excess cannot be recovered from a liable third party, We will provide a reimbursement for the applicable Excess payable by You.