Examples of Total Municipal Account in a sentence
The Total Municipal Account (TMA) was modelled to assess the impact of all the billed Council charges on households spread over fourteen valuation brackets to determine the affordability of the package of tariff increases.
The revenue strategy is a function of a number of key aspects such as:• National Treasury Guidelines;• General Economic Climate (Nationally and Local);• City’s Strategic Guidelines and Priorities;• General Tariff Policy;• Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy;• Property Rates Policy;• Total Municipal Account Modelling Process;• Achievement of full recovery of cost for specific user charges; and a• Credible collection ratio.
The revenue strategy is a function of a number of key aspects such as: National Treasury Guidelines; General Economic Climate (Nationally and Local); City’s Strategic Guidelines and Priorities; General Tariff Policy; Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy; Property Rates Policy; Total Municipal Account Modelling Process; Achievement of full recovery of cost for specific user charges; and a Credible collection ratio.
January and February 2024▪ Structuring of Rates & Tariff workshop (January 2024).▪ Presentations by services on proposed rates and tariffs, outcome of General Valuation, and outcome of the Total Municipal Account (TMA) i.e. the impact of the proposed tariffs on the consumer to BSM (February 2024).▪ Compilation of detailed 2024/25 operating- and capital budget.
Total Municipal Account (TMA)An annual assessment is performed to assess the impact of proposed increases in rates and tariffs on the consumer.
The Total Municipal Account (TMA) was modelled to assess the impact of all the billed Council charges on households spread over fourteen valuation brackets to assess determine the affordability of the package of tariff increases.