Examples of Total Subscriptions in a sentence
Tabulation of the investment in Selected Wealth Products will be based on a net total investment amount (Total Subscriptions minus Total Redemptions) during the Campaign Period.
The Offer Costs have been estimated at $3,497,085 assuming the Minimum Subscription is achieved and $38,254,221 assuming Total Subscriptions are fully subscribed.
Tabulation of the investment product placements will be based on net total investment amount (Total Subscriptions minus Total Redemptions) during the campaign period.
Without limiting its discretion, the Issuer may choose not to proceed with the issue of the Units if the Minimum Total Subscriptions are not met or there is a significant change in the Issuer’s cost of hedging between the date of this PDS and the Commencement Date.
A section headed “Outline Structure” which states, among other things, that DV4 Ltd would pay the “Investment Adviser” an annual fee of 0.85 per cent of the gross value of the unrealised investments subject to a minimum annual fee of 1.5 per cent of Total Subscriptions.
Ordered with other premiums Total Subscriptions Sold in PeriodNone None2,056,552 100% We certify that to the best of our knowledge all data set forth in this Publisher's Statement are true and report circulation in accordance with the United States Postal Service.
The objective of the Sub-fund is to obtain Total Subscriptions of the Target Amount of approximately twenty-five million euros (EUR 25,000,000.-).
Thirteen to twenty-four months Total Subscriptions Sold in Period 2,056,552100%CHANNELS %a.
Total Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2006Subscriptions RedemptionsSGD 4,381,656 10,562,479 Annualised Expense Ratio*2006: 1.57% 2005: 1.54% * The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for insurance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fee, foreign exchange gains or losses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes and tax deducted at source or arising out of income received.
Total Subscriptions and Redemptions for the year ended 31 December 2006Subscriptions RedemptionsSGD 3,698,083 8,393,008 Annualised Expense Ratio*2006: 1.05% 2005: 1.06% * The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for insurance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fee, foreign exchange gains or losses, front or back-end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes and tax deducted at source or arising out of income received.