Tourist rooming house means all lodging places and tourist cabins and cottages, other than hotels and motels, in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or tran- sients. It does not include private boarding or rooming houses not accommodating tourists or transients, or bed and breakfast estab- lishments regulated under ch. ATCP 73.
Tourist rooming house means any lodging place or tour- ist cabin or cottage where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients. “Tourist rooming house” does not include:
Tourist rooming house. (a) means any lodging place where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients and includes:
Examples of Tourist rooming house in a sentence
A bed and breakfast establishment, boarding or rooming house, hotel, motel or auto court, or tourist rooming house.(14) Tourist rooming house.
More Definitions of Tourist rooming house
Tourist rooming house means all lodging places and tourist cabins and cottages as regulated by the department of health and human services pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 195, other than hotels and motels, in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients. It does not include private boarding or rooming houses not accommodating tourists or transients, or bed and breakfast establishments regulated under Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 197.
Tourist rooming house means any lodging place or tourist cabin or cottage where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients. “Tourist room- ing house” does not include:
Tourist rooming house means all lodging places and tourist cabins and cottages, other than hotels, motels and resorts, in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients for periods of less than 30 days. Excluded from this definition are the following properties
Tourist rooming house means any lodging place or tourist cabin or cottage where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients. “Tourist Rooming House” does not include: a private boarding or rooming house, ordinarily conducted as such, not accommodating tourists or transients; a hotel; or bed and breakfast establishments.
Tourist rooming house means a dwelling unit in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients for periods of less than 30 days.
Tourist rooming house means all lodging places and tourist cabins and cottages, other than hotels and motels, in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients. It does not
Tourist rooming house means all lodging places and tourist cabins and cottages, other than hotels and motels, in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients. It does not include private boarding or rooming houses not accommodating tourists or transients, or bed and breakfast establishments regulated under Ch. ATCP 73. Sec. 9-2-4 License and Permit(a) No person shall operate a food service establishment, a retail food establishment, hotel, motel, bed and breakfast, tourist rooming house, campground, recreational or educational camp, public pool, tattooing establishment, or body piercing establishment without first obtaining a non-prorated permit from the Health Department. Permits shall be issued on an annual basis, commencing with July 1 and ending on the following June 30th. Each such permit shall expire on June 30th of each year following their issuance except that permits initially issued during the period beginning on April 1 and ending June 30th shall expire June 30th of the following year. The issuance of a permit may be conditioned upon the owner or operator correcting a violation of this Chapter within a specified time frame to be determined by the Health Department. If the condition is not met within the specified time, the permit shall be voided. With the exception of 9-2-4(a)(1) and 9-2-4(a)(2), the permit shall not be transferable to another location or operator.