Examples of Town highway in a sentence
It is the purpose of this Policy to protect and preserve the safety and convenience of the inhabitants of the Town and the traveling public and to protect the public investment in the Town highway system through the regulation of highway access.
Since air conditioner test facilities tend to be large, expensive and requiring a substantial level of technical skills, it may be necessary to find a regional solution for air conditioner testing rather than build a laboratory in Ghana.
Any State highway and any Class 1, 2, or 3 Town highway shall be considered to subdivide a lot.
For properties where the minimum sight distances described above cannot be met, the driveway shall be placed at the safest possible location and the speed posted on the Town highway shall be reduced accordingly, by the Public Works Director, but not less than that specified in State statute.
The Development Review Board may increase this setback in order to provide privacy for adjacent property owners or for aesthetic considerations from public roadways. Access roads shall be built to Town highway standards per the Town of Hyde Park Road Policy A minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces for each mobile home lot shall be provided.Parking spaces shall be 9 ft.
The application submitted did not specify if it was for a loan or grant so clarification is needed, nothing within application gave Wenzlick pause as the project does meet the ECBRA criteria.The State of Michigan is working through a bill package that would further incentivize housing developments, mainly through tax abatements and could impact TIF (tax increment finance) projects.
The number of dwelling units served by a cul-de-sac or by a system of streets sharing a common single access to a state highway or Town highway shall not exceed 30, unless additional connections, such as one-way or emergency-only connections approved by the Fire Chief, to other streets are approved by the Development Review Board.
Table 4-5 Town highway mileage by class, Town of Charlotte Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 State Hwy Fed Hwy InterstateTotal 1, 2, 3, State Hwy 31.79042.6100.370 6.550 74.400Source: derived from VTrans TransRDS GIS data – surface class and arc lengthTable 4-6 Town highway mileage by surface type, Town of Charlotte Total KnownTotal Unpaved% Paved% Unpaved80.9933.64741.79%58.21.0%Source: derived from VTrans TransRDS GIS data – surface class and AOTmiles See Figure 3.2 for locations of paved vs.
Included in the bargaining unit are all regular full-time and regular part-time laborers, motor equipment operators, and any other employees of the Highway Department and the Central Garage who regularly perform work operating, repairing, or maintaining vehicles or equipment or maintaining Town highway facilities and roadways.
Town Road: Any Town highway, road, street, avenue, boulevard, parkway, shoulder guard rail, concourse, driveway, easement, right of way, bridge, culvert, sluice pipe, ditch, dock, tunnel, sidewalk, or any utilities or improvements therein, thereon or thereunder.