Examples of Trading Status in a sentence
Trading Status Functions/Activities Pre-Opening • Orders and quotes can be entered, maintained, modified and deleted.• No matching of orders and quotes.• Opening Price Calculation is done on a continuous basis called an Indicative Opening Price (IOP)Information is broadcast to market based on orders and quotes in order book.
Publica Group (Support) Limited During 2017/18 the Council transferred the majority of its staff under TUPE legislation to Publica Group (Support) Limited, a wholly owned local authority company, limited by guarantee, operating with Mutual Trading Status to deliver services on behalf of the Council.
The Trading Status of securities shall be specified by Bursa Malaysia in any one of the following manner: • ActiveWhen Securities are specified as ‘Active’, orders in relation to the Securities may be entered, modified, cancelled and matched.
The message will indicate whether the change applies to On Book trading or Off Book trade reporting and this message will also include the new time at which the session will end in the New End Time field and the current instrument status in Trading Status.
The Symbol Status message will be published with Halt (H) as the Trading Status.
The Symbol, Instrument ID, Sub Book and Trading Status fields of the message should be ignored when processing a snapshot request for an instrument list.The Snapshot Response will be immediately followed a Snapshot Complete if there are no active or suspended instruments for the specified segment.
When trading is resumed for Off Book trade reporting a Symbol Status message will be published with the current Trading Status of Start Trade Reporting (T) and Book Type of Off Book (2).When an instrument is halted clients will not be able to submit new orders or amend open orders of the halted instrument.
The Trading Status Message is used to indicate the current trading status of a security.
Trading Status Functions/Activities Pre-Op en in g Ord ers an d q uo t es can b e en t ered , m ain t ain ed , m o d if ied an d d elet ed . No m at ch ing of o rd ers an d q uo t es. Op en in g Price Calcu lat io n is d on e on a co n t inuo us b asis called an In d icat ive Op en in g Price (IOP)In f o rm at ion is b ro ad cast t o m arket b ased o n o rd ers an d q uo t es in o rd er b o o k.
While the final Snapshot Complete will include an indication of the segment to which it relates.The Sequence Number, Instrument ID, Sub Book and Trading Status fields of the message should be ignored.