professional user shall have the meaning given it in the Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry.
Commercial User means all retail stores, restaurants, office buildings, laundries, and other private business and service establishments.
Traditional IRA Means an individual retirement account as defined in Code Section 408(a).
Residential User means all dwelling units such as houses, buildings, mobile homes, apartments, permanent multi-family dwellings.
occasional use , in relation to departure, means a right to utilise land for a purpose granted on a temporary basis for a specific occasion or event;
Traditional means that the traditional knowledge or cultural expressions are developed according to the rules, protocols and customs of a certain community, and not that they are old. In other words, the adjective “traditional” qualifies the method of creating traditional knowledge or cultural expressions and not the knowledge or expressions themselves.152 The term “traditional” means that the knowledge or cultural expressions derive from or are based upon tradition, identify or are associated with an indigenous or traditional people, and may be practiced in traditional ways.153 “Traditional context” refers to the way of using traditional knowledge or traditional cultural expressions in their proper artistic framework based on continuous usage by the community. An example could be the use of a ritual dance in its traditional context, as referring to the performance of the said dance in the actual framework of the rite.154
Industrial User means a nondomestic discharger, as identified in 40 CFR Part 403, introducing pollutants to a POTW.
Medical use means the intentional internal or external administration of radioactive material or the radiation from radioactive material to patients or human research subjects under the supervision of an authorized user.
Personal use means for the private use of the individual
End Users means a Third Party residence or business that subscribes to Telecommunications Services provided by any of the Parties at retail. As used herein, the term “End User(s)” does not include any of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to any item or service obtained under this Agreement.
Special use tyre means a tyre intended for mixed use both on- and off-road or for other special duty. These tyres are primarily designed to initiate and maintain the vehicle in motion in off-road conditions."
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.
Commercial Use means the use to which the material can commercially be put.
data user means a natural or legal person who has lawful access to certain personal or non-personal data and is authorised to use that data for commercial or non-commercial purposes;
Commercial Software means Software developed or regularly used that: (i) has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; (ii) has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public; (iii) has not been offered, sold, leased, or licensed to the public but will be available for commercial sale, lease, or license in time to satisfy the delivery requirements of this Contract; or (iv) satisfies a criterion expressed in (i), (ii), or (iii) above and would require only minor modifications to meet the requirements of this Contract.
Broadband service means a retail service capable of transmitting data over an access line at a rate greater than 200 kilobits per second.
Cloud Service means any distinct, subscription-based, hosted, supported and operated on-demand solution provided by SAP under an Order Form.
Channel means a natural or artificial watercourse with a definite bed and banks that conducts flowing water continuously or periodically.
traditional leader means the leader of a traditional authority that had been identified by the MEC in terms of section 81 (2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act to participate in the proceedings of the council.
Users means those employees, contractors, and end users, as applicable, authorized by You or on Your behalf to use the Services in accordance with the Master Agreement and Your order. For Services that are specifically designed to allow Your clients, agents, customers, suppliers or other third parties to access the Cloud Services to interact with You, such third parties will be considered “Users” subject to the terms of the Master Agreement and Your order.
Access Channel means any Channel, or portion thereof, designated for Access purposes or otherwise made available to facilitate or transmit Access programming or services.
Customer User means an employee of Customer, a Customer Affiliate or Business Partner.
Residential use means the use of a building or structure or portion thereof for one or more dwelling units. This also includes a dwelling unit on land that is used for an agricultural use;
Medical use of marijuana means the acquisition, use, and possession of usable marijuana to treat or alleviate a qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition.
Channels means the satellite television channels listed in Annexure B attached to this Agreement.
Network User means a customer or a potential customer of a transmission system operator, and transmission system operators themselves in so far as it is necessary for them to carry out their functions in relation to transmission;