Transfer Payment definition
Examples of Transfer Payment in a sentence
In accordance with these reporting standards the minimum requirements are sector code 353 Home Care and Transfer Payment Budget Entity (TPBE) HC-OH.
Payment shall be made in accordance with FAR 52.232-33, entitled "Mandatory Information for Electronic Funds Transfer Payment".
The portion of the Hospital stay during which the Member was not enrolled with the BH Contractor will be paid by EOHHS at the psychiatric per diem rate for psychiatric services in a DMH-Licensed Bed or at the Transfer per diem rate, capped at the Total Transfer Payment Cap, for substance-related disorder services and for psychiatric services in a non-DMH-Licensed Bed.
In that case, such payment will be at the Transfer per diem rate capped at the Total Transfer Payment Cap.
The portion of the Hospital stay during which the Member was not enrolled with the BH Contractor will be paid by EOHHS at the Psychiatric Per Diem rate for psychiatric services in a DMH-Licensed Bed; or at the Transfer per diem rate, capped at the Total Transfer Payment Cap, for substance-related disorder services and for psychiatric services in a non-DMH-Licensed Bed.