Examples of Transient over voltages in a sentence
Transient over voltages, sources, impulsive transients, switching transients, Effect of surge impedance and line termination, control of transient voltages.[8Hrs] Unit 3 : Voltage sag, swells and interruptionsDefinitions of voltage sag and interruptions.
It is known that particle clustering introduces a bias error, specially when a low number of particles per cell is used as e.g. in hybrid codes.The most common existing schemes for clustering can be divided into three groups: deterministic, random and statistical particle elimination.
Transient over voltages on 480V bus – The network protector and associated transformer secondary and collector bus is a 600V class piece of equipment.
Unit 7 : Transient over voltages in HV DC systems : Over voltages due to disturbances on DC side, over voltages due to DC and AC side line faultsUnit 8:Converter faults and protection in HVDC Systems: Converter faults, over current protection - valve group, and DC line protection, circuit breakers.
Transient over voltages in the above cases can be of the order of 2.0 to 3.3 p.u. and will have magnitudes of the order of 1200 kV to 2000 kV on 750 kV systems.
Resistance grounding has the following advantages:• Electric shock hazards to personnel due to stray ground fault currents in the ground return path is reduced.• Transient over voltages can be limited.• Mechanical stresses in circuits and apparatus carrying fault current is reduced.• Burning and melting effects in faulted electric equipment are reduced.
Resistance grounding has the following advantages: Electric shock hazards to personnel due to stray ground fault currents in the ground return path is reduced. Transient over voltages can be limited. Mechanical stresses in circuits and apparatus carrying fault current is reduced. Burning and melting effects in faulted electric equipment are reduced.
Over voltage Transient over voltages normally occur as a result of lightning or systems faults.
Transient over voltages and wave-shape and tolerances for testing: Lightning, Switching 5.
Transient over voltages The Energizer shall withstand the transient over-voltages to which they may be subjected.