Transit Losses definition

Transit Losses means losses incurred məntəqəsindən ixrac nəqletmə sistemlərinin during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil and Non- (həmçinin müvafiq hallarda, Qara dəniz rayonundan Xam neftin çıxarılması üçün, əgər söhbət Təbii qazdan gedirsə, Sərbəst təbii qazın Satış məntəqəsinə nəql olunması üçün istifadə edilən hər xxxxx xxxx kəməri daxil olmaqla) son məntəqəsinə Xam neftin və ya Sərbəst təbii qazın vurulması gedişində əmələ gələn və xxxx kəmərlərində beynəlxalq təcrübədə qəbul edilmiş normal itki hədlərindən, yəni sıfır xxx xxxx bir (0,1) faizdən artıq xxxx itkilər nəzərdə tutulur; və associated Natural Gas from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export transportation systems (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilised for transhipment of the Crude Oil to exit the Black Sea area or in the case of Non-associated Natural Gas to the Point of Sale) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one (0.1) percent; and
Transit Losses means losses incurred during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export transportation systems (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilised for transhipment of the Crude Oil to exit the Black Sea area to the Point of Sale) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one (0.1) percent; and (v) “kommersiya cəhətdən müstəqil satış” – əqd bağlamaq istəyən müstəqil alıcı və satıcı arasında Sərbəst dönərli valyuta müqabilində beynəlxalq bazarda Karbohidrogenlər satışı və ya mübadiləsi deməkdir, həm də bu zaman barter əqdlərini nəzərdə tutan satışlar, hökumətlərarası satışlar, habelə beynəlxalq bazarda Karbohidrogenlər satışında qüvvədə olan adi iqtisadi stimullarla deyil, tamamilə və ya qismən digər mülahizələrlə şərtləndirilən başqa əqdlər istisna edilir. (v) an “arm’s length sale” is a sale or exchange of Petroleum between a willing and non-affiliated buyer and seller on the international market in exchange for payment in Foreign Exchange, excluding a sale involving barter, sales from government to government and other transactions motivated in whole or in part by considerations other than the usual economic incentives involved in Petroleum sales on the international market.
Transit Losses means losses (other than losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from any insurances taken out by Contractor and losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from pipeline owners or operators) incurred during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export pipeline, (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilized for transshipment of the Crude Oil to exit the Black Sea area) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one percent (0.1%). Transit Losses shall be deducted from Total Production. Insurance premiums paid by Contractor for insurance taken out by Contractor covering Transit Losses shall not be Cost Recoverable. Any insurance reimbursements for such losses shall not be credited to Cost Recovery.

Examples of Transit Losses in a sentence

  • Buyer will have seven days from the date Buyer receives any Products to inspect such Products for defects and nonconformance which are not due to Transit Losses, and to notify Seller, in writing, of any defects, nonconformance or rejection of such Products.

  • The now withdrawn clause 3.2.4 “General Principles for determination of LPPF “of SPPA dated 05.12.2018 had provision for the parameter Transit Losses: Actual or 0.2%, whichever is lower.

  • However, the Parties agree that during any movement from the relevant Procuring Silos to the relevant Distribution Silos, Transit Losses of up to 0.07% (zero point zero seven) percent of the Rake Capacity of that Rake (“Acceptable Transit Losses”) shall be permissible, for the purposes of this Agreement.

  • The Corporation may enter into MOU with FCI with enabling provisions for recovery of Handling and Transportation charges and Rail Transit Losses.

  • Well Augmentation plan / Enforcement Reservoir releases Aug Plan releases and the assessment of Transit Losses.

  • Transit Losses may kindly be allowed by the Hon‟ble Commission considering the distance of travel from mine to site, usage of washed Coal and factors of loss during inland transportation in case of imported coal.

  • In this regard, the Authority shall on and after the COD of the first Rake, conduct periodic inspections and audits in order to determine whether the Transit Losses during any movement from the relevant Procuring Silos to the relevant Distribution Silos, are in compliance with the requirements of Article 13 of this Agreement.

  • The Commission is requested to direct the Petitioner to provide actual figure of Transit Losses for FY 2017-18.Response of GSECL As per standard norms, GSECL is not seeking any relaxation for these norms.

  • The cost of serving a customer of an electric utility consists of fixed costs that are driven primarily by the number and type of customers, energy costs, and various coincident and non-coincident capacity costs.

  • Martin Di Caro, Metro Continues Steep Ridership Decline Amid Nationwide Trend Of Transit Losses, WAMU (Sep.

More Definitions of Transit Losses

Transit Losses means losses incurred during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export transportation systems (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilised for transshipment of the Crude Oil to exit the Black Sea area) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one percent (0.1%); and (v) “kommersiya cəhətdən müstəqil satış” – əqd bağlamaq istəyən Ortaq Şirkət olmayan alıcı və satıcı arasında Sərbəst (v) an “arm’s length sale” is a sale or exchange of Petroleum between a willing and non-Affiliated buyer and dönərli valyuta müqabilində beynəlxalq seller on the international market in bazarda Karbohidrogenlər satışı və ya exchange for payment in Foreign mübadiləsi deməkdir, həm də bu zaman Exchange, excluding a sale involving barter əqdlərini nəzərdə tutan satışlar, barter, sales from government to hökumətlərarası satışlar, habelə government and other transactions beynəlxalq bazarda Karbohidrogenlər motivated in whole or in part by satışında qüvvədə olan adi iqtisadi considerations other than the usual stimullarla deyil, tamamilə və ya qismən economic incentives involved in digər mülahizələrlə şərtləndirilən başqa Petroleum sales on the international
Transit Losses means losses incurred during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil and/or Non-associated Natural Gas from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export pipeline, (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilised for transhipment of the Crude Oil to daxil olmaqla) son məntəqəsinə Xam neftin və/və ya Sərbəst təbii qazın vurulması gedişində əmələ gələn və xxxx kəmərlərində beynəlxalq təcrübədə qəbul edilmiş normal itki hədlərindən, yəni onda bir (0,1) faizdən artıq xxxx itkilər nəzərdə tutulur. Nəqletmə itkiləri Ümumi hasilatdan çıxılır. Podratçının Nəqletmə itkilərindən sığortalanmaq üçün verdiyi sığorta xərcləri Əvəzi ödəniləsi məsrəflər deyildir. Belə itkilərə görə verilən sığorta kompensasiyalarının heç biri Məsrəflərin əvəzinin ödənilməsi hesabına daxil edilmir. Podratçının nöqteyi-nəzərdən 22.1 bəndinin şərtləndirdiyi kimi, Podratçı nəqletmə itkilərinin sıqortalanması üçün cavabdehdir; və exit the Black Sea area or in the case of Non- associated Natural Gas to the Point of Sale) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one (0.1) percent. Transit Losses (other than losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from any insurance taken out by Contractor and losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from pipeline owners or operators) shall be deducted from Total Production. Insurance premiums paid by Contractor for insurance taken out by Contractor covering Transit Losses shall not be Cost Recoverable. Any insurance reimbursements for such losses shall not be credited to Cost Recovery. Contractor shall be responsible for the insurance of Transit Losses, pursuant to Article 22.1; and
Transit Losses means losses (other than losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from any insurances taken out by Contractor and losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from pipeline owners or operators) incurred during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil and Non-associated Natural Gas from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export pipeline, (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilised for transhipment of the Crude Oil to exit the Black Sea area or in the case of Non-associated Natural Gas to the Point of Sale) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one (0.1) percent. Transit Losses shall be deducted from Total Production. Insurance premiums paid by Contractor for insurance taken out by Contractor covering Transit Losses shall not be Cost Recoverable. Any insurance reimbursements for such losses shall not be credited to Cost Recovery. Contractor shall be responsible for the insurance of Transit Losses pursuant to Article 20.1; and
Transit Losses means losses incurred during the pipeline transport of Crude Oil and/or Non-associated Natural Gas from the Delivery Point to the terminus of the export pipeline, (including, if applicable, any pipeline utilised for transhipment of the Crude Oil to exit the Black Sea area or in the case of Non-associated Natural Gas to the Point of Sale) in excess of the normal international pipeline loss allowance of one-tenth of one (0.1) percent. Transit Losses (other than losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from any insurance taken out by Contractor and losses for which Contractor has been reimbursed from pipeline owners or operators) shall be deducted from Total Production. Insurance premiums paid by Contractor for insurance taken out by Contractor covering Transit Losses shall not be Cost Recoverable. Any insurance reimbursements for such losses shall not be credited to Cost Recovery. Contractor shall be responsible for the insurance of Transit Losses, pursuant to Article 22.1; and
Transit Losses shall have the meaning given to it in Article 13.1(d)(iv).

Related to Transit Losses

  • Seller Losses has the meaning set forth in Section 10.2(a).

  • Direct Losses means all damages, losses, liabilities, penalties, fines, assessments, claims, actions, costs, expenses (including the cost of legal or professional services, legal costs being on a substantial indemnity basis), proceedings, demands and charges whether arising under statute, contract or at common law, except Indirect Losses.

  • Buyer Losses has the meaning set forth in Section 10.1(a).

  • Tax Losses has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 7.1(a).

  • Relevant Losses means, in relation to:

  • Loss or Losses means all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys' fees and the costs of enforcing any right to indemnification hereunder and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers.

  • Covered Losses has the meaning set forth in Section 9.2(b).

  • Net Losses means, for each fiscal year or other period, an amount equal to the Partnership's taxable income or loss for such year or period determined in accordance with Code Section 703(a) (for this purpose, all items of income, gain, loss or deduction required to be stated separately pursuant to Code Section 703(a)(1) shall be included in taxable income or loss), with the following adjustments:

  • Purchaser Losses shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.1(a).

  • Aggregate Net Losses means, with respect to a Collection Period, an amount equal to the aggregate Principal Balance of all Receivables that became Defaulted Receivables during such Collection Period minus all Net Liquidation Proceeds collected during such Collection Period with respect to all Defaulted Receivables.

  • Indirect Losses means loss of profits, loss of production, loss of business, loss of business opportunity, or any claim for consequential loss or for indirect loss of any nature;

  • Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses or “ALAE” means all court costs and court expenses; pre- and post-judgement interest; fees for service of process; attorneys’ fees; cost of undercover operative and detective services, costs of employing experts; costs for legal transcripts; costs for copies of any public records; costs of depositions and court-reported or recorded statements; costs and expenses of subrogation; and any similar fee, cost or expense reasonably chargeable to the investigation, negotiation, settlement or defense of a loss or a claim or suit against you, or to the protection and perfection of your or our subrogation rights.

  • Indemnified Losses is defined in Section 5.03 of the Servicing Agreement.

  • distribution losses means energy losses that result from the interaction of intrinsic characteristics of the distribution network such as electrical resistance with network voltages and current flows;

  • Cumulative Net Losses means, as of any date of determination, the aggregate cumulative principal amount of all Receivables that have become Liquidated Receivables since the Initial Cutoff Date, net of all Net Liquidation Proceeds and Recoveries with respect to such Receivables as of last day of the most recently ended Collection Period.

  • Losses shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(a).

  • Loss Adjustment Expenses means all costs and expenses incurred by the Company in the investigation, adjustment and settlement of claims. Loss adjustment expenses include third-party costs as well as the Company’s internal expenses, including salaries and expenses of loss management personnel and certain administrative costs.

  • Net Loss means, for each fiscal year or other applicable period, an amount equal to the Partnership’s taxable income or loss for such year or period as determined for federal income tax purposes by the General Partner, determined in accordance with Section 703(a) of the Code (for this purpose, all items of income, gain, loss or deduction required to be stated separately pursuant to Section 703(a) of the Code shall be included in taxable income or loss), adjusted as follows:

  • Liquidating Losses means any net loss realized in connection with the actual or hypothetical sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Partnership (including upon the occurrence of any event of liquidation of the Partnership), including but not limited to net loss realized in connection with an adjustment to the book value of Partnership assets under Section 6.2 hereof.

  • Buyer Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in Section 8.02.

  • Shared-Loss Assets means Shared-Loss Loans, Other Real Estate purchased by the Assuming Institution, Additional ORE, Shared-Loss Subsidiaries, and Capitalized Expenditures, but does not include Shared-Loss Securities.

  • Fraud Losses Realized Losses on Mortgage Loans as to which a loss is sustained by reason of a default arising from fraud, dishonesty or misrepresentation in connection with the related Mortgage Loan, including a loss by reason of the denial of coverage under any related Primary Insurance Policy because of such fraud, dishonesty or misrepresentation.

  • Tax Items shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.4.A.

  • Distribution Taxes means any Taxes incurred solely as a result of the failure of any of the Transactions to qualify for the Intended Tax Treatment of such Transaction.

  • Seller Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in Section 8.03.

  • Loss Adjustment Expense means costs and expenses incurred by the Company in connection with the investigation, appraisal, adjustment, settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim or loss, or alleged loss, including but not limited to: