Examples of Transmission System Availability Factor in a sentence
As per PSERC MYT Regulations, 2014, the Normative Annual Transmission System Availability Factor (NATAF) for incentive computation has been considered as 99%.
As per the Annexure‐III of MYT Procedure for Calculation of Transmission System Availability Factor for a Month as per latest CERC Regulations The TAFM shall be computed in accordance with the following formula:TAFM= (100‐100 x NAFM) whereNAFM= [ ∑ࡸ ሺࡻࡴ ൈ ࢚ ൈ ࡺࡿ ሻ + ∑ࢀ ሺࡻࡴൈ ࡹࢂ ࢚ൈ .
As per the Annexure-III of MYT Procedure for Calculation of Transmission System Availability Factor for a Month as per latest CERC RegulationsThe TAFM shall be computed in accordance with the following formula: TAFM= (100-100 x NAFM) whereNAFM = [ ∑ࡸ (ࡻࡴ × ࢚ × ࡺࡿ ) + ∑ࢀ (ࡻࡴ× ࡹࢂ ࢚ × .
Accordingly, the Commission approves the Normative Annual Transmission System Availability Factor (NATAF) for recovery of full Annual Fixed Cost as 98%.
As per the Annexure‐III of MYT Procedure for Calculation of Transmission System Availability Factor for a Month as per latest CERC Regulations The TAFM shall be computed in accordance with the following formula:TAFM= (100‐100 x NAFM) whereNAFM = [ ∑L (OH × Cktkml × NSCl ) + ∑T (OH× MVA t × 2.
The net transmission charges inclusive of incentive based on fixed charges for Transmission and computation of incentive are given as per the table below.Table 45: Incentive on Transmission System (TS) Availability for FY 2018-19 submitted by PSTCL(Rs. Crore)Sr.No. Commission‟s Analysis: The Commission observes that MYT Regulations, 2014, specifies that Normative Annual Transmission System Availability Factor (NATAF) for the Control Period shall be 99% for incentive consideration.
PSERC – Tariff Order FY 2021-22 for PSTCL 58PSTCL for achieving higher transmission system availability than the Normative Annual Transmission System Availability Factor (NATAF) specified in the MYT Regulations, 2014.
The same will be submitted to Discoms with monthly transmission charges bill with the last availability certificate issued by the SLDC.ŽûûsCvCiesw:ŽY’CThe Regulation 68 read with Regulation 74 of BERC (Terms and conditions for determination of Tariff) Regulations 2007 specifies transmission charges shall be recovered/paid fully if transmission licensee achieves at-least 98% of Transmission System Availability Factor (TAF), else shall be recovered/paid on pro-rata basis.
This clause may be added in Procedure for Calculation of Transmission System Availability Factor for a Month.
As per Appendix-II, Procedure for Calculation of Transmission System Availability Factor for a month, computation of TAFMn for HVDC system would be computed considering, ‘total actual operated capacity of HVDC pole’.