Examples of Transportation revenue in a sentence
Transportation revenue from interruptible or volumetric-based arrangements is recognized when services are performed.
Transportation revenue earned from firm contracted capacity arrangements is recognized ratably over the contract period.
He explains that free cash flow is the cash flow available after all tax payments and after all positive NPV projects are funded.
Transportation revenue is recognized proportionally as a shipment moves from origin to destination and the related costs are recognized as incurred.
The impact of COVID-19 and crude oil market conditions on Transportation revenue has not been material.
Transportation revenue adjustments are not included in rate base.
The Regional Transportation revenue fleet includes 6,124 tractors including 5,694 owned and 430 leased and 12,963 trailers including 12,913 owned and 50 leased.
Development of a website to enhance transparency is underway by the City and part of the day’s agenda topics.• Lisa Beutler verified the LMCOC believes this proposed change, as it relates to content, is appropriate.
Transportation revenue is recorded at delivery, with the exception of year-end when one half of the revenue on shipments in transit is accrued.
Transportation revenue is recognized proportionally as a shipment moves from origin to destination and related costs are recognized as incurred.