Examples of Treatment areas in a sentence
The foregoing notwithstanding, the Committee may, in its sole discretion, provide that Awards (or rights or interests therein) other than ISOs shall be transferable, including but not limited to permitting transfers to a Participant's immediate family members (I.E., spouse, children, or grandchildren, as well as the Participant), to trusts for the benefit of such family members or other transfers deemed by the Committee to be not inconsistent with the purposes of the Plan.
There can be multiple discrete Treatment areas associated with a PIZ.
Document and record the Product Treatment areas of the lake using DGPS equipment, and produce a map of the treatment areas for regulatory reporting purposes.
Treatment areas include high-use recreational areas such as public parks or private campgrounds.
Treatment areas would be delineated on the ground, by map or in writing.
Treatment areas are in private forested residential land and recreational State land.
Treatment area(s) located so as to insure the privacy of the patron.
Layout maps will include:• Unit number;• All streams and waterbodies;• Treatment boundaries;• Treatment areas listing size, method and application rate for each;• Areas of No Treatment (NTZs) and PFZs;• Treatment areas;• Buffer zones (if any);• Wildlife tree patches (WTPs);• Waterbodies;• Bag or ribbon lines with applicable colours;• A colour legend; and• Any special condition pertaining to the treatment area.
Treatment areas were identified within community WUIs to create survivable space through treatments within the home ignition zone, the use of strategically placed fuelbreaks, and the modification of hazardous wildland fuels.
Treatment areas were identified within the WUI to create defensible space through treatments within the home ignition zone, the use of strategically placed fuelbreaks, and the modification of hazardous wildland fuels.