Examples of Treatment system in a sentence
The Authority and the Mississippi State Department of Health may make periodic inspections of the certificated Individual On-Site Wastewater Treatment system to ensure proper operation and maintenance by the certificate holder.
Implementation of a novel Electronic Health Record-embedded Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment system.
Therefore the class notation BWM-E will be with- drawn when the Ballast Water Exchange is phased out.The additional class notation BWM-T is assigned to ships complying with the "International Convention for the Con- trol and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sedi- ments" as adopted by IMO on 13 February 2004, by means of a Ballast Water Treatment system.
Treatment system cannot consistently meet log removal requirements, turbidity standards, or other enforceable drinking water quality standards.
The Orenco AdvanTex Treatment system with model numbers: AX20N, AX20RTN, AX25RTN, and AX100 may be utilized for CBOD/TSS/TN removal.