Examples of Treaty in a sentence
Treaty of Waitangi Giving effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi – Partnership, Participation and Protection through your interaction with others on a day to day basis.
The Washington Treaty, as mentioned, followed the sui generis approach first de- veloped by the U.S. law on the matter.
It convened a Diplomatic Conference which adopted the Washington Treaty based on the sui generis approach first introduced by U.S. law without excluding, however, the ap- plication of other forms of protection.
Under Article 12 of the Treaty, a situation of cumulative protection may take place.
The Washington Treaty, after intense negotiations, allowed the granting of a non- voluntary license only in two cases: (1) “to safeguard a national purpose deemed to be vital” by the national authority; and (2) “to secure free competition and to prevent abuses by the holder of the right”.