Trip Generation definition

Trip Generation means the number of trips, existing or projected, based on actual counts or the estimation methodology in the 6th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report or other generally accepted professional practice.
Trip Generation means the average number of vehicle trips, as determined by reference to the most recent manual entitled, Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE) (“ITE Manual”), 7th edition.
Trip Generation means the number of PM peak hour trips estimated to be produced by the development activity using Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manual, current edition, other recognized national standard, or trip generation studies accepted by the Director.

Examples of Trip Generation in a sentence

  • Additional references assist in aligning use classes with the Redmond Building Code, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, and the City’s Business Licensing system.

  • Additional references assist in generally aligning use classes with the Redmond Building Code, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, and the City’s Business Licensing system.

  • The proposed use generates less than 50 additional trips per day as determined in the document entitled Trip Generation, an informational report prepared by the Institute of Traffic Engineers; and 2.

  • The site forecasted trips should be based on the most recent edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual.

  • When data is not available for a proposed land use or a modification is proposed, the Applicant must conduct a local trip generation study following procedures prescribed in the ITE Trip Generation Manual and provide sufficient justification for the proposed generation rate.

More Definitions of Trip Generation

Trip Generation means the attraction or production of Trips caused by a given type
Trip Generation means the average number of daily vehicle trips as determined by reference to the most recently published edition of the manual, Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE; ITE manual).
Trip Generation means the number of trips, existing or projected, based on actual counts or the estimation methodology in the 6th 5th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report or other gGenerally aAccepted pProfessional pPractice.
Trip Generation means a transportation tool for forecasting travel demands by predicting the number of trips originating in or destined for a particular traffic analysis zone.
Trip Generation means the number of trips, existing or projected, based on actual counts or the estimation methodology in the 11th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual as incorporated by reference in Rule 14-96.005, F.A.C., or other generally accepted professional practice.
Trip Generation means the attraction or production of trips caused by a given type of land development. (as added by Ord. #13-016, Sept. 2013)
Trip Generation means the number of mobility units generated by a development activity. [Ord. 16-0420 § 7 (Exh. 5).]